Anyone heard Cary 303/300 after 400 hours burn-in?

Has anyone had a positive experience with a correctly functioning Cary 303/300 CD player using high quality N.O.S. tubes, and after having used a high quality burn-in cd and music for a minimum and proper break-in period of 400 hours?

Has anyone had a positive experience with Cary's Technical and Service department in Apex, N.C.?

Has anyone had a positive experience with the 303/300 using the balanced outputs into a high end, non-budget balanced preamp (or directly) into a non-budget balanced amp and high end, non-budget speakers via high quality, non-budget intercnnects and cables?

Although some folks do not believe in modifications, has anyone had a positive experience with modifying a Cary 303/300 CD player?

There are always some folks that feel a certain piece of audio gear just does not suit their expectations, but, there are many variables with audio gear, when properly addressed, the very same gear may exceed the expectations of other Audiophiles.

I am looking for new friends to share your positive experiences with the Cary 303/300 CD player.
I owned both the 303/200 and the 303/300, and preferred the sound of the non tube 200, most likely because it used a true PCM1072 Mulitbit dac converter, instead of the 300's hybrid PCM1792 Delta Sigma/4 bit converter.
Also the 200 had a PMD-200 hdcd filter chip and for me it really stepped another notch again when it played hdcd discs.

Cheers George  
You're right George that is a great player however if I'm not mistaken it doesn't have the internal analog volume control which is why I like the 303/300.  I owned the 306/200 way back which had the same DAC which was great but stupidly sold it to try some other players.  Wish I still had it.  The 303/300 in SS mode direct into my Music Reference RM10 MKII is a bad ass simple setup.  If I didn't have this player I'd probably be using your lightspeed passive.

You’re right George that is a great player however if I’m not mistaken it doesn’t have the internal analog volume control which is why I like the 303/300.

I was lucky as my total system gain allowed me to use the digital domain volume control of the 303/200 in the top 25% of full so there was no "bit stripping".
Otherwise the 303/200 was full up and I used my Lightspeed Attenuator passive pre.
I did a I/V (current to voltage) mod for it on diyaudio forums if your interested, took it to another level, as I think they all used the same i/v stage, it was a big hit with those that used it. I eventually stacked 3 of them in that thread for even better i/v conversion/sound.

Cheers George
Just had a look at the internals of the 303/300  pehare , no analog volume there, it done in the digital, hope your using it at or above 75% of full otherwise you'll be "bit stripping" and loosing resolution, otherwise you'll have to get a Lightspeed!!!

Cheers George

George I could swear I remember hearing or reading the 303/200 didn't have a volume control & I was told the 303/300 & 306/200 had analog volume controls but I'm not a tech person just a music lover.  Anyway at some point I'll have to do something else perhaps move into the 21st century with some kinda computer based rig.  Vinyl is not an option.  Or buy a newer reliable kick ass cd player & get your passive - just hate to lose the simplicity ie less wires & remote capability.