Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience.

Please tell us the worst experience you've had with a Dealer, Manufacturer or both and what actions were needed and what the outcome was.
I'm sure there are many interesting horror stories.
Interested to hear all.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdbyni

I think you ought to visit Stereo Exchange in NYC - perhaps the last store on earth you can "just walk into" without an appointment.  Besides,  it's in a cool part of town, too.

Post removed 
I count myself as pretty lucky. I have never had a bad experience with either a manufacturer or a store. I bought my first hifi gear 40 years ago, and yes, there have been a few repairs now and then, but everything has been handled very well. 

This has also been my experience across other industries too. Once I sent something in for repair. I received a phone call telling me my item was accidentally damaged. They were very sorry and asked if I would accept a new item in its place. 

Only once did did I have a bad vendor experience - 16 years ago in buying a refrigerator. I wound up suing the store because they refused to refund an overcharge. 
Thanks! for sharing your story- aberyclark.
Did you report back to the manufacturer?
Happy Listening!
it is a shame that you had to sue the store to make a wrong situation, right.
Good to read that the item was an appliance and not Audio gear.
Happy Listening!