Conrad Johnson MF2550, What To Expect?

I should be receiving a used Conrad Johnson MF2550  250wpc solid state amp on Friday.  I have never heard the amp or any CJ equipment for the past 20 years.  What scant reviews I have read, it seems to be on the warmer side of neutral.  This is not the SE version which is a detailed sounding amp.  I am hoping for good synergy with my Rogue RP5 tube preamp and GE Triton Reference speakers.  I am presently using an Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp which is around 160wpc.  It is a little warm sounding but I am hoping the CJ will be better in my system.  If anyone owns one, has heard one or has any opinions, please reply to post.  Do you think it is a backwards, sideways or forward move?

I  have been   listening to the main system for a couple hours every day.  Getting that  Conrad Johnson amp worked out well as it makes the Triton References sound less hi fi ish and more like real music.

I just picked up a  used McIntosh MA6600 200wpc Integrated amp from Audio Classics on Tuesday, so I am really enjoying it playing through the GE Triton Ones in my office system.  The lushness of the Mac combined with the sweet sounding ribbon on the Ones is hard to beat.

Thanks! for sharing- stereo5

good to read that your system continues to improve. How many hours are logged on the CJ amp?

Happy Listening!
I have about 220 hours on the amp and 300 hours on the speakers.  I am continually amazed every time I fire up the system.
@stereo5  Things should be "cooked" pretty soon.  Looks like you're in for pretty sweet sound soon!  Enjoy and revel in a purchase well made.