Sound via laptop vs phone vs tablet

Using Spotify premium, with the same day/amp and headphones, the sound I get is better when using the laptop than phone or tablet.
Is there a way to rectify the situation?
@willemj  you misread the post. He is getting digital out of his phone by using USB on the go. Should be all the same data stream. Perhaps more jitter? 
@crwindy  let us know if that app helps you. I take Digital  from my iPhone and iPad by running  lightening out through apple camera conversion USB adapter and then  through a powered hub. Does not sound bad, but have not compared it to a PC source. 
OK, my misunderstanding. And that should indeed all produce the same datastream, and bits are bits, so there cannot be any difference (are you not imagining things - the audiophile curse?). Unless of course the datastream is somehow compromised by the settings in the devices. Jitter really has to be absolutely awful to be audible.