Most Important, Unloved Cable...

Ethernet. I used to say the power cord was the most unloved, but important cable. Now, I update that assessment to the Ethernet cable. Review work forthcoming. 

I can't wait to invite my newer friend who is an engineer who was involved with the construction of Fermilab, the National Accelerator Lab, to hear this! Previously he was an overt mocker; no longer. He decided to try comparing cables and had his mind changed. That's not uncommon, as many of you former skeptics know. :)

I had my biggest doubts about the Ethernet cable. But, I was wrong - SO wrong! I'm so happy I made the decision years ago that I would try things rather than simply flip a coin mentally and decide without experience. It has made all the difference in quality of systems and my enjoyment of them. Reminder; I settled the matter of efficacy of cables years before becoming a reviewer and with my own money, so my enthusiasm for them does not spring from reviewing. Reviewing has allowed me to more fully explore their potential.  

I find fascinating the cognitive dissonance that exists between the skeptical mind in regard to cables and the real world results which can be obtained with them. I'm still shaking my head at this result... profoundly unexpected results way beyond expectation. Anyone who would need an ABX for this should exit the hobby and take up gun shooting, because your hearing would be for crap.  
shadorne wrote,

"Jinjuku presented a difference in opinion on the audibility of Ethernet cables and was actually willing to challenge others to test the differences in the system of choice of those making the wild claims. All harmless stuff to me. The fact that no test will happen simply adds more weight to the view that the audibility of differences are pretty small or subtle, if any."

Whoa! Huh? Difference of opinion? That’s exactly the same way that The Amazing Randi presented his Million Dollar Challenge to audiophiles to pass a double blind test for expensive cables and the Intelligent Chip. What made the whole thing so preposterous is that The Amazing Randi and his band of merry skeptics previously made a career out of challenging folks who claimed to have paranormal abilities, you know like Uri Geller, the famous spoon bender. And dowsers! spiritualists, ghost chasers, etc. Why he chose to go after audiophiles is anyone’s guess. Although, I can pretty much guess. Whereas The Anazing Randi had deep pockets courtesy of Johnny Carson one assumes jujitsu doesn’t have such rich friends in high places.

Most importantly, anyone who has actually taken a look at Randi’s challenge..and done so with the trained eyes of a statistician or person who designs rigorous scientific testing regimens.. that person soon finds out that his tests do not follow any of the accepted methods and ways.

So much so that they are not even remotely correct or applicable to any testing standards. Randi’s test methodology fails to meet even the minimum for correct testing. The test, if applied... is slated to create a failure mode and find favor to Randi’s position in the given agreement.

Also, to look at Randi’s technical background. He has none. None at all.

When we look past the bluff and fluff of words spoken at the front end of things, this is what we find.
The moderators typically remove posts at the request of member posters...I suspect they have better things to do than sit around reading every post on this forum.  So, it is most likely that someone here asked for Jinjuku's posts to be removed.  

In any case, the posts referencing Jinjuiku's ethernet challenge being removed does not equate to the challenge being a scam.  Someone made that up.....uhhhh, who could that be?

Just wanting it to be a scam of some sort does not make it so.

1. Sighted evaluation = Awesome. We can trust the results

2. Bias controlled evaluation = Broke. Every thing is suspect. Especially results that fail, for whatever reason, to trend with sighted evaluation.

I’m testing to the same standards that people ascribe to sighted evaluation. Sauce that is good on goose is equally good on gander.

It's only as valid as sighted testing. No more no less. I'm not submitting anything to JAMA.


This has nothing to do with Randi. 

You and many others are obfuscating the discussion with Strawmen and all manner of assertions.

It is pretty simple.

Either claims of audible differences are easily and readily apparent or they are subtle or not audible. 

Apparently these differences are most likely NOT easily audible as Jinjuku has not had a single person take up his challenge.

This actually says a whole lot about those folks here who claim everything (even a fuse direction) makes an audible difference!!!!

BTW I can beat Tiger Woods at golf all the time. However I am too busy to play against him and anyway those tournaments are rigged so I refuse to participate. But it is a fact that I golf better than Tiger Woods.