Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
This might be a good place to mention that all furniture in the room should be isolated from the floor, especially heavy couches, bookcases, tables, etc. For this purpose employ the best cones you can muster. For cost reasons I recommend Small size DH Cones, Diamond Hardness ceramics. Any cones you have lying around waiting for their next mission will do. 🎉 🎉 🎉 🎉
and speakers ..and anything else that comes in contact with 1 or more room boundary,etc, etc. All the objects mentioned can have their interfering energy reduced by mechanical grounding so the contaminating energy is not added back into the sound of the room and the music. Some of us have installed Audio Points and coupling discs under chairs, cabinets and many decorative pieces that hang from walls and ceilings..doing this for several years. Same holds true for musical instruments and any of their speakers and electronics. Tom ..Star Sound Technologies
Tom, the cones under furniture isolate the furniture, reducing the ability of very low I.e., seismic structureborne frequencies to excite the resonant frequencies of the furniture, which are very low. It’s an excellent example, though a very indirect one, of the importance of isolation. The speakers are actually a separate isolation issue but they should also be isolated from the rest of the room and system.

Everything in the room is a passive radiator and is at the mercy of its own geometric shape and material makeup.

A table which may have a glass top and rests on round wooden legs will have a different influence on the sound in a room versus the the same glass top on square wooden legs...All of this has to do with the velocity of these materials and the fact that they have different boundary layer shapes that interact with each other. All these different materials and shapes that touch reflect shear waves back and forth. So while you have only 2 materials you will have many different wave polarities and speeds determined by the dimensions and shapes and where the point source originates. All of these furniture pieces have multiple speeds even when made of only one material.  Springs will not stop this from happening because the wave front is compressive and then becomes shear which cannot be isolated in solid materials. It still is a passive radiator at all frequencies. Material choice, interactive shapes, proximity to other boundaries and the fact that they are grounded or not determines their sound and influence in an audio room. Mechanical grounding is the best method for the reduction of interfering energy. Other methods only serve to increase its time span . Tom

Tom, don’t be such a big isolation denier. Not only is vibration isolation enjoying its 25 year anniversary for audiophiles, the whole isolation phenomenon has resulted in the introduction of spectacularly effective devices, what with active isolation, two stage isolation, magnetic levitation and so forth. How many audiophiles do you think employ some isolation device or another, 50,000? Come on, don't be such a fuddy duddy. Join the isolation revolution! 🍾 If you think a deprogrammer might be helpful I’ll see if I can arrange for one.🤖