Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

Kosst_amojan - I couldn’t agree more. The room is one of the biggest challenges in audio. It’s hard enough assembling a system that plays well together. But getting the placement and room acoustics right is like naked blindfolded voodoo. And not in the good way I know you all first pictured.
Experimentation and research definitely pay dividends!
@clearthink = @bo1972 = Bobby Kingma

Note how Clearthink chimes in on this thread and stated:

With your permission, if I may, please kindly allow me to elucidate these matters regarding Bo, who is a visionary and trailblazer in the world of hi-fi.

How, you may ask, do I have anything to contribute to this detailed discussion? I am a client of Bo. By client I mean that I am not a customer. It is much the same as when you visit a physician or a lawyer. The wise man does not instruct the professional how to treat his ills! He entrusts the outcome with the professional of his choosing. Otherwise a man could treat or represent himself.

Music is all about emotion. When I felt that my music reproduction system and associated components and installation was failing to deliver proper emotion to me I decided to seek Bo for consultation. Bo was very generous with his time! He showed me how Tru-Fi works. It can be demonstrated to every listener that Tru-Fi works by applying properties to the reproduction of music. By proper application of these properties, which sometimes requires adjustments to within .5 mm, Tru-Fi can be achieved and all will agree that this is how hi-fi should be sold. Not all components are capable of Tru-Fi. Because Bo has a photographic memory as applied to sound reproduction, Bo can identify those components that deliver 3D sound! Most components deliver only 1D or 2D sound! This Bo can demonstrate.

Bo can evaluate your 1D or 2D music reproduction system and prescribe a solution using components that are 3D and can deliver Tru-Fi. These are improvements all can hear because music is about emotion and all can feel the emotion in reproduced music once Bo has demonstrated Tru-Fi to you. He can do this in a shootout as he has done many times and proven to all who listen.

Throughout the course of Human History visionaries and trailblazers have been laughed at, minimalized, derided, ridiculed and chided. Bo knows this! He is being generous by contributing here to share his knowledge about Tru-Fi and the way it can be applied using properties to music reproduction systems and installations. He has demonstrated to many manufacturers, distributors and designers of components used in music reproduction systems the ways of Tru-Fi and properties and I suspect that you will see some major manufacturers adopt Tru-Fi methods, techniques, standards and practices as time moves forward. This is because all who hear Tru-Fi exclaim for the first time they are hearing the emotion in music, which is what music is all about.

Those of you here who are dubious about Bo have never heard Tru-Fi and have not heard 3D sound in their music reproduction systems. Once you have heard Tru-Fi, you will realize that all other approaches to the design, assembly, fabrication, installation and specifying of music reproduction systems is flawed. Only Tru-Fi can deliver the emotion in music, which is what music is all about. There is no point to music reproduction systems if there is no emotion.

I hope Bo will forgive me speaking on his behalf here.


It is time for Bobby to create another user account to be a shill for TruFi as his Clearthink account has been revealed to be him!!!!
I will ask once more...What is the connection between the "emotional" reproduction of music, and that reproduction being perceived as "3D". I would submit that timing, timbre and dynamics have everything to do with the communication of emotions in music, and the perception of space is a distant fourth.
I just happened to run across this thread on December 31st, 2017. I spent almost an hour reading most of the comments, especially those from the Holy One of Bo. I don’t know why I read most of the 70 posts from Bo1972 as he kept saying the same thing over and over and over and over again... and over.

There was a bunch of promises of things that would happen in 2017, such as:
“You have no idea what we created and what we do. Most things we will never post or share. I can garantee you that it will change the world in audio in 2017.”
“2017 will be the year we share it with manufacturers and customers. We have done it with many people all ready. But now we will make it public as well. “
“We will invite many people in 2017. Everyone is welcome in our world. We will never disclude any person. We create it to make other people want to buy more audio. “
“The difference where we are compared to the rest is galaxies away. 2017 will be the year we will share it, soon you will hear from it as I told before.”

Some statistics of his posts:
The word “garantee” was misspelled 14 times.
“True-Fi” was written 59 times.
The word “proof” was found 25 times in his post.

In search of his proofs, “garantees”, and to check his statements about 2017, I did some Google searches.
A Google search of "Statement Audio Pro-measurement” returned 4 results. Perhaps Google stopped working today, and Tru-Fi is taking over?!? "Stealth Low Frequency" returned 10 results, most of which were related to missile defense and guns. But again, let’s not forget that Tru-Fi might be taking over the Internet, and Google might not be so effective while transitioning their data to Bo.

He said: “We own Sony Professional video stuff, so we will make videos soon.” in one of his posts. Good to know he owns at least one decent piece of audio-video equipment. He also said: “In 2017 we will start a videoblog as well.”. I am still looking for those. Please point me to them if you see them. Not that I want to watch them, just curious if they exist.

So after I read all that crap (btw I was interested in the topic of this post but the thread was hijacked a long time ago), I decided to check what Bo1972 is posting these days. I found one of his latest topics here - https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/review-audioquest-hurricane-part-1

In one of his posts there he said: "When I look for example at Facebook for Highend For Passionates. I can see many faults at almost each single photo...."
"When I see the pictures of loudspeakers of 200.000 dollar and the way they place them, it is the proof that it is done at the level of a child."

The reminded me of something I just read here:

Plutos: “I got a good laugh when I saw your system set up so "proffesionally". All nicely lined up against the wall.“

bo1972: “@plutos ........hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lol :)
You life in the past and we live in the future. When you audition S.A.P. you will understand that it does not makes sense anymore where they stand. “

That's enough for me. Wasted enough time.

Someone else said:
"The more popular the brand, the more fans and the more detractors."

I couldn't agree more.  I do "feel your pain" as I own a McIntosh preamp and power amp, match up very well with my other equipment.  There are probably more "McIntosh haters" out there, compared with "Wilson haters".

I guess that's why they make chocolate and vanilla......