Most importantly, anyone who has actually taken a look at Randi’s
challenge..and done so with the trained eyes of a statistician or person
who designs rigorous scientific testing regimens.. that person soon
finds out that his tests do not follow any of the accepted methods and
So much so that they are not even remotely correct or
applicable to any testing standards. Randi’s test methodology fails to
meet even the minimum for correct testing. The test, if applied... is
slated to create a failure mode and find favor to Randi’s position in
the given agreement.
I laugh every time I see someone say something like the above.
Because Randi didn't get 1000 mystical spoon benders to test, so when he exposed Uri Geller for the charlatan that he is, it's not really valid and we hold out the possibility that people can actually bend spoons with their mind. Incredible 'logic'.
Here's the thing: You aren't aural savants. You're aural spoon benders.
The real reason that you will not sit for a bias controlled evaluation is that when you crash and burn, and you most certainly will, EVERYTHING you have an opinion about when it comes to the audibility of equipment will be worthless.
When you've been exposed either making stuff up or hallucinating then you can't be trusted.