Restocking Fees, 30-Day Free Trials

You are really curious about that $25k amp. The online dealer will send it to you on a trial basis with a 15% 'restocking' fee if you decide not to keep it. $3750 gone...if you decide to send it back.

Do you think there should be a cap on restocking fees? Say for up to $25k in equipment, the maximum restocking fee is $1,000? Or, say a flat %5 fee across the board with the buyer paying shipping both ways?

It seems it would be more profitable just to send equipment out on a trial basis and hope it comes back.

What do you think is a fair way or fair fee to let audiophiles try out internet purchases?
"Audiophile" dealers don't care about promoting their businesses beyond whatever customers they currently have. The only ones left rely on the 'phile community and have seemingly zero interest in expanding by promotion of any kind I can see, or reaching out to any of the great unwashed by maybe promoting house concerts or even meet and greet in-store events (Goodwin's has no email list…they recommend checking their site for news of whatever). They seem to not care about actual music, they often have either (paradoxically) smug or unsophisticated sales people, and although online prices are generally always cheaper, they seem to not be interested in discounting new gear…and they wonder why people buy online.
Wolf-garcia - you should check out Audio Video Therapy in Nashua, NH.  The exact opposite of Goodwins.  
Good luck with that it will never be fair find a great dealer and borrow a demo unit.
I've been to AV Therapy (recently) and yeah…they're pretty cool, and do support music here and there…they provide a little discount, no tax, etc. They have a LOT of stuff crammed into that place. I like it.
You know, normally don't ever join in these discussions, but had a customer (I work for AVT in Nashua) mention this thread specifically.

So, first of all we have a home trial policy that includes anything you can drag out of the store (even if it takes two of you) and there is zero charge for it. Because we can't have stuff off the floor forever, we generally try to keep it to 3-4 days trial, but have had situations that have been a week or even longer...those are case by case.
The idea is that by taking our demo units home that you know (before you buy) if the stuff works in your room/home. Plus the demos are all broken-in so we eliminate someone panicking on something new out of the box sounding different than what they heard in our showrooms. The upside for us is that this creates an almost zero returns to the store which are costly, and despite what people may think something we can ill-afford.

As to music and engaging our customers wolf_garcia I think you need to get on our mailing list as we are well-known for all the events we run each year! :-)

First, we sponsor Symphony NH and the primary owner here is on their board as a volunteer. We try to have at least one event at year where we have the soloist or conductor in the store the night of the performance to go over what is going to be played and then we all head over to the performance. To those events we either have free tix or subsidize the price to $10. We had a great treat last year where  Irina Muresanu was guest conductor and guest soloist and while in the store played something she really enjoys playing that was not classical (Cricket Dance by bluegrass legend Mark O'Connor). Hmm...and I'm just realizing I don't think I ever posted that on our Facebook page. Doh. I should do that despite how long after the fact as it was wicked cool. More on FB later below. 

Additionally we have at least one free concert a year that  we have down the street at the Hunt Memorial Library (after the first one we crammed into the showroom) and have used performers were performing at Tupelo Music Hall and took advantage of them being in the area. If you go to our Facebook page there are photo albums and videos of these shows.

Finally, we also have two audio parties at the store a year (Spring and Fall) where we bring in 6-10 manufacturers, set them up in rooms and let people interact, ask questions or whatever they want to do with them (plus there's good food and drink) and just generally have fun! We've had in Michael Kelly, Paul Barton, Vince Bruzzese, and a ton of higher ups from our vendors. Attendance is generally 100-160 people consistently and they show up because we treat it as a reward to our customers, not some kind of time-share sales pitch. We've had two Fall events Halloween-based where staff and customers dressed up! Again, photos on Facebook of all those. 

Thank you all for your kind words folks, and FYI as to the above! -Mark