Power Amp Suggestions

Hi All
My cherished Krell KRS 200 recently gave up the ghost. Not being located in the US, repairing is not an option. These were powering B&W 800d. Sources are the PS Audio Directstream Junior and Clear Audio DC Performance. The pre is a Krell KRC3. 
I have the following options available to me. 
Classe CT-M 600
Krell 402e
Parasound JC1
Ml 532
Mcintosh Various models
All of these are within my budget with the JC1s being the cheapest. I did like the sound of my Krells. 
Any recommendations based on experience with these amps. I want to keep suggestions limited to above brands as they are the ones available to me with dealer support. 
I think going the VTL route may also entail a change in the Pre as well making it much more expensive proposition. 
I have enjoyed a McIntosh MC452 power amp for a few years now, and find it to be very easy to listen to.
It's not "your father's McIntosh" amp, to me sounds "fast", but "smooth" and "musical".  And this is driving a pair of Focal Sopra's with that beryllium tweeter, which can be "unforgiving" with some amps driving them.
It does weight a lot, have a friend help with the unboxing and positioning, if you go with this amp.
It it were me, I would go with the Parasound JC1 first and the Classe second.  I owned 2 Classe amps, the model 10 and 15 and found both of them to be bass heavy and a bit slow sounding.
My vote goes to JC1s. I have the A21 stereo amp, but if I had the dough I'd sell that amp and get 2 JC1s. I think Curl is a great amp engineer/designer. I guess the only other amp brand I would consider is Pass, but that company is not on your list.