Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used
EPI-70(new) $70.00 each (World of Sound of Marin)1977
Bose 901 (new) $800/pr.(mail order, NYC)1983
JBL150A (used) $600/pr (Bay area)1994
Martin Logan Ascent (New) B-day gift(Magnolia HiFi) 2002
1984-88 - Spendor LS 3/5
(Rega Planar 3 + British Integrated)

1988-97 - Spendor SP1
(Linn LP12)

1997-02 - PSB Silver-i + PSB Gold-i
(Went to CD and bi-amp)

2002-Present - Tyler Taylo Reference Monitor (modified) + HSU VTF3 Sub
(did away with large full range speakers)
1) 1975 - Janzen's with electrostatic tweeters (6-month loan from a friend of my parents, no way could I afford something like this, but the bug bit me hard!)

2) 1977 - Pioneer R-700. Big, impressive looking midrange horn and a tweeter that never seemed to produce any output...I swear it was just for looks! These were my "college freshman" stuff for a dorm room in those days, especially driven by a Phase Linear 4000 preamp and a Marantz amp with cool blue meters!

3) 1978 - ‘Phake Linears.” Home built knock-off of the original Phase Linear loudspeaker, built by a friend of mine. Very dynamic, and surprisingly good imaging. My sophomore speakers – the hit of my fraternity house!

4) 1979- Magnaplaner MG-1. Got these my junior year. Awesome imaging. You never forget your first Maggies!

5) 1980 - Dahlquist DQ-10. My first step into a serious high-end speaker. Did the mirror-image mod, of course. They lasted until 1986, when I bought…

6) 1985 - Apogee Calipers. Oh, that ribbon sound! Very transparent and quick, and one heck of a conversation piece for non-audiophiles who’d never seen speakers anything like them! Kept the Apogees for the next 12 years.

7) 1997 - Thiel 1.5. When the high-end bug bit again, it was time to downsize a little in preparation for a move to Europe. The 1.5s (I still own them, though they are on loan to a friend) were a perfect fit….small footprint with an incredibly well focused image and very tight bass.

8) 2001 - Thiel 2.3 When I returned from Europe, it was time to move up a notch to the 2.3s…same characteristic Thiel sound, but with a more solid foundation on the low end.

It’s been an interesting trip…and it’s not over yet!
Radio Shack radio (mono spkr built in)
upgrade to then 15yr old KLH table radio
Yamaha NS-10s shared with sister
Energy something-or-others for myself
Yamaha something-or-others again
Martin Logan SL3s bought used
Jadis Eurythmie 11s bought used