PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamplifier. DESTROYS SPEAKERS!!

A few months ago, bought TWO of the above mentioned preamps. ( I have 2 stereo systems)
Within 6 weeks of the purchase, the power supply of my speakers burns out!
I purchase and replace the power supply.
Three days later, the second newly replaced power supply is burnt out!
After much investigative work and heartache, I discover that the Pre amp is the problem.
It is defective and puts out DC. which burns out speakers.
After, testing the second unit, I find that it is defective as well, EXACTLY the same problem.
I return the units to my dealer, who returns them to Prima Lune.

I received a phone call from a Mr. Kevin Deal, big cheese at PrimaLuna.
Told me that the capacitors, on BOTH units had failed and the units were putting out DC.
He even THANKED me, for being a guinea pig, and discovering the flaw in his units.

He offered me a pair of tubes, as "compensation" for my troubles!! What a joker!!

WOW, a pair of tubes for blowing my $30,000. speakers!!

The height of arrogance and total disregard for the consumer of his product.
To all audiophiles, do yourself a favour, STAY AWAY for this brand, unless you want your speakers cooked.

TOTAL lack of quality control, MADE IN CHINA junk, what more needs to be said.

Mr. Deal, WAKE UP, and STOP selling defective products!!

If, you are using PrimaLuna, and your speakers fail, check the amp or pre amp.


Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Gee, could it possibly be that Stereophile routinely writes/repeats whatever market-speak they get from the manufacturer and only refute the mumbo-jumbo if JA happens to discover the discrepancy on the test bench-which is often hit and miss? But of course the main point is not the integrity of Bryston's designs or product but PL. At this point I will assume that the OP is legit since he has not retreated from his post and KD has not joined in. The OP still made some bone-headed equipment matches. 
The Bryston manual is here:
Doesn't mention DC protection circuit, though it has a soft start and thermal overload... OTOH, the manual doesn't go into specifics, except for certain turn on/off procedures, and connections. 
Sorry to read of the Loss of the ML's--fine speakers I've heard them

I've struck this DC problem   destroying my speakers-Twice!

Crown D150--JBL Jubals

Counterpoint  SA3000(?)  Spendor BC1s

Both the above two Amp Mfgs to avoid in my book anyway

Post removed 
The OP is 100% legit!
I stand by every word I have written in this forum.
I would welcome Mr. Kevin Deal, to join this conversation and present his side of the story, as a matter of fact, I would like nothing more!

As for equipment matches, this is of no relevance in this matter.
NO equipment, should blow up your speakers, no matter what it is matched with.

As for Bryston amps DC protection, I personally spoke to Mr. Brian Russell, one of the owners of Bryston, and he ASSURED me, that 
the 28B SST3 DOES NOT have DC output protection.

I seriously doubt that he is wrong, however, if someone finds out
otherwise, then we would all like to know.