David ...
Thanks for the kind words. Your Mom is going to love the Blue fuse ... and so are you. :-)
Allan ...
The SR BLUE fuses are transformative. I’ve only heard the results in my system, but I’m left shaking my head. The system truly disappears leaving only the performers in the room.
I mentioned the Kingston Trio CD’s in an above post. At one point the solo singer stands about two to three feet in front of the speakers with the rest of the group remaining back in the sound stage. Uncanny.
Is the "secret tweak" better than the BLUE fuses? I’d say they complement each other in a big way. Each is different from the other.
There is an eight week break-in for the "secret tweak," but what happens at eight weeks is amazing. At eight weeks, almost to the day, the system goes from what is left of HiFi and transforms itself into realism. Oh, and there is another breakthrough at four weeks too. Not as great as the eight week breakthrough though.
Stay tuned ... the mfg is a perfectionist and wants things totally right before its released. I don’t blame him .... he has a real winner on his hands here.