Is it the beer or do speakers/electronics really need some extended warm-up period?

To me, one of life's best times are a cold beer and listening to good music.  I have noticed that the longer the listening/drinking session, the better the sound.  Is it the beer or do the electronics/mechanical components mellow out after some burn-in period?  Thought about listening with no beer, but that's not happening.
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I usually let my beer warm up for about an hour before gulping it down. 🍺 😛

I usually let my beer warm up for about an hour before gulping it down. 🍺

So, what do you drink during that hour?

I don’t drink, so it must be the electronics. But actually, I do think after about 20-30 minutes things do sound better, more focused. I know that the cartridge always sounds better after the first side, I usually play a side of a LP that I don’t plan to listen to just for that reason. It lends to some credibility to the Audioquest DBS cables keeping them "charged" and for none DBS cables they must have a re-establish or break in that takes place when not in use or a while. Just my theory and not trying to start an argument on the subject, but I do normally put on some music while I gather the LP’s I plan to listen to before I sit down with my non-beer to relax. Again my theory and my way of doing things, ymmv.
My Krell monoblocks 450mcx clearly sound better after about an hour playing.
I also try to run a cd for awhile prior to listening session.  And only after leaving all 
electonics on Stand-by almost all the time continuously KCT and  KPS 28  cd.
If I shut off everything cold it sound poor for hours until warmed up
I'm amazed how warm my KCT remains even in stand -by mode and amazed how poor it sounds comparably  if not warmed up
Best sound is after a hour of playing with or without beer
I too enjoy a cold beer while listening.  I have kept these things in stand by mode for years now and only usually listening on weekends
I play cd and vinyl equally