My 2 cents worth, to call the JW a cable is a stretch, it’s solid core wire. They are hard to work with and unyielding. Now to the crutch of the matter. How do they compare to other cable/wire. Actually not too bad. I’m not into the hype that the higher the price the better the product. My comparison is limited to straight wire, monster, JW, Blue Jeans, audio quest and finally a very expensive set of transparent music wave ultra which a friend offered to let me try in my system. From worst to best, in my system, this is how I rated them.
1. Monster
2. Audio quest
3. Straight wire
4. JW
5. Blue Jeans
6. Transparent
Now for a look from a cost perspective the monster was the least expensive followed by JW then Blue Jeans then audio quest then straight wire followed by transparent. JW and audio quest being solid core the rest stranded. So what remains hooked up in my systems (2) dedicated home theatre and straight stereo, Home theatre Blue Jeans, stereo JW.
Although the Transparent outperformed the rest in all aspects audible (a great cable IMO) I just could not justify the expense for the audible improvement they provided. Maybe I’ll win the lottery before I die.
Final conclusion: the expense of cable does not reflect the real world of what’s a better product.
System used for comparison :
Home theatre: krell prepro, krell amps, oppo BR, Musical Fidelity Cd, Sony TT, Polk vintage speakers
Stereo: Proceed pre and pro, adcom amp, Sony TT, Musical Fidelity Cd, B&W 803D2 speakers
1. Monster
2. Audio quest
3. Straight wire
4. JW
5. Blue Jeans
6. Transparent
Now for a look from a cost perspective the monster was the least expensive followed by JW then Blue Jeans then audio quest then straight wire followed by transparent. JW and audio quest being solid core the rest stranded. So what remains hooked up in my systems (2) dedicated home theatre and straight stereo, Home theatre Blue Jeans, stereo JW.
Although the Transparent outperformed the rest in all aspects audible (a great cable IMO) I just could not justify the expense for the audible improvement they provided. Maybe I’ll win the lottery before I die.
Final conclusion: the expense of cable does not reflect the real world of what’s a better product.
System used for comparison :
Home theatre: krell prepro, krell amps, oppo BR, Musical Fidelity Cd, Sony TT, Polk vintage speakers
Stereo: Proceed pre and pro, adcom amp, Sony TT, Musical Fidelity Cd, B&W 803D2 speakers