I'm starting to like the idea of the Schiit Freya, however, AVlee turned me to the idea of a Emotiva XSP-1. On reading some reviews, it seems that the Emotiva sounds excellent and offers quite a bit of bang for the buck. I know they're totally different beasts, but I wonder how each would sound in my system. Lots of people like to hate on Emotiva, but it seems like they put solid engineering principles into their products. Given the choice between a Freya+Gungnir MB and an XSP-1+Gungnir MB, what would everyone pick? Does anyone know if the Freya is truly balanced or if a bal->SE conversion happens?
Also, the Adcom has treated me very well but unfortunately its next on the chopping block. I'd recommend it to anyone starting out though, as I once was. Super clean sound with a strong low end, maybe a bit of grain on the top end though.