Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

It's the electronics that provides 10% of a system's quality... which can be critical to certain aspect of the listening experience, once xlnt speakers are used.
Sure, you need to have enough power (and for top level speakers lots of power), and the frequency response has to load independent (within 0.2 dB for your speakers). Both require a beefy (and hence more expensive) power supply. Even so, this can be achieved at relatively modest cost if you avoid boutique brands. Look here for an example:
Sorry boys your wrong. This is what you believe because you have no reference when it comes to hearing what a distortion free amplifier can do.

I have the evidence of what I speak. I realize it might be hard to imagine that such a breakthrough in sound reproduction can come along but its here.

I have actually cloned the original sound event (concert hall) and I can drop that air pattern into your living room. So help me God.

Stay tuned to the news.
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