Perfectly put, shadorne. Here’s a little story illustrating a related point:
I was hired for a session, the recording of a single song for the soundtrack of a low-budget movie. I had worked with the producer before, so he knew what he was getting. The song was a simple Pop/Rock thing, the focus on the vocal and lyric (sung by a Grandson of one of The Lennon Sisters!), and I played what I considered appropriate. The producer kept asking me to play more like Keith Moon, even instructing me where he wanted "fills". I said "That would walk all over the vocal". He said "Oh, I don’t care about that". !!!!!
I put in a little more (as much as I could bring myself to), but it wasn’t enough for him. So he ended up doing a take with himself on drums (he has been a pro drummer), and submitted that take to the movie’s director, who rejected the track! A take with my playing was submitted, and approved. Point made.