Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

Don't you think that after working on this method for 30 years that it might be something that you would at least give the benefit of the doubt to?

Its not like you went to see for yourself what this could be even if you think it is a hoax or BS. Your looking at this from the wrong end of the telescope. I'm not saying "I think" I can make a cloned copy of an event. I have the working technology already up and running.

You guys seem like a plethora of naysayers and Debbie downers.
Your wasting energy trying to tell me that I cannot do what I just did.
I'm not looking for any special praise or kudos - just to be heard and taken seriously.

The correct answer is "wow this sounds interesting but I would like to hear that for myself"
Instead "Your sounding like a crack pot or nutty professor or delusional"
"You can't do that because...bla bla bla."
"Face it we all live with some degree of distortion in the system"
And then you list 10 things that prevent me from succeeding.
All of which I have overcome.

Every attempt at "3D" without exception has involved some type of parlor trick or "enhancement" circuitry to give the listener the illusion of "surround" sound. 

Zero distortion is 3D.

I'm officially blue in the face so I think this will be my last post.
I want to thank the "other" readers of this thread that did not jump in with reasons I'm going to fail.

Seriously - good luck to those that enjoy the pleasure of listening to music without the hassle of politics or prejudices brought on by brand loyalty or designer gurus.  

Even Fox News thought this was a hoax (at first).

See you in the future.

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I usually tell people that the room is 50% of the system. There's not a lot you can do with the very best system if the room sucks. Conversely a very modest system can do great things in a good room.

If you had the perfect amplifying method - a pair of Radio Shack book shelf speakers would still give you incredible imaging.
I used to work at the Allied Radio service center in Minnesota. Radio Shack speakers imaged just fine if they were set up right, even with one of their lowly receivers like the STA-76. If you put better gear on them they did even better. One of their speakers used the Lineaum tweeter; Tandy bought out Lineaum just to get the technology for a $250.00 pair of speakers. They got good reviews in TAS on that model FWIW.
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I still have a pair of Radio Shack Optimus Pro LX5, which has the Lineaum tweeter. While it's no ESL, the tweeter is way better than a lot of domes.