it is incredible to me how a discussion of john bonham morphed into talking about dylan and the band in less than 20 comments...
john bonham changed the course of rock drumming when he hit the scene...he was put upfront in the mix in a big way. his drums were large, unmuffled and recorded along with a mike in the center of the room, hence his "stadium" like sound. he started out as just a heavy hitter, but quickly gained finesse in his grooves, in part by listening to and emulating james brown records. listen to his drumming on "no quarter" or "the crunge" and you'll see what i mean. one of my favorite tracks is "the lemon song", which shows off his creative abilities while improvising along with jp jones.
live, he was a monster. between he and ian paice of deep purple, no one in rock could touch their energy and technical prowess, especially when playing an arena drum solo. guys like bonham were geniuses, and mere mortals like us could only sit back and wonder at the things they created. they had attitudes, and their talent "excused" them from it. to coin buddy rich "it ain't bragging' if you can back it up!" i will always miss "what could have been", but glad to have been influenced by mr bonhams' masterful playing. rest in peace