For the most part, I think people love to debate, argue, speculate, and try to dominate . . . but in actuality, it is all subjective to the person who puts down the money and takes it all home. Those with the most cash flow or credit like to think their money also buys them credibility and authority over the guys, who have less financial resources, but the great equalizing force is that money doesn’t buy natural physical gifts as accurate hearing . . . nor along with that, the exposure, nor the self-education, it takes to even approach the title of EXPERT of all things.
It is rather arrogant to boast of being the best, when there are so many other arguments and attempted efforts to be “king of the hill” by reason of more muscle or strategy, and thereby, dominating the rest of the competition out of the picture. But this doesn’t make one the “BEST” -- at least for any length of time when some younger, stronger buck takes your indisputable title away from you . . . at least not until the next one comes along who is stronger, etc. Bullying proves nothing as it stands beside arrogance and inflated egos.
I personally don’t see how anyone, aside from someone who came to monopolize the audio industry, could ever make a claim for being the best. One could claim the most expensive, but in truth, the other parameters are subjective at best -- even the so-called exacting measurements, taken under various circumstances and conditions, don't cement down such a claim as even they can be manipulated and falsely stated. There are absolutely too many variables to make such a claim until every combination was examined and unanimously agreed upon . . . and by the time that was settled, there would be how much more NEWCOMERS fighting for the title and back to the overwhelming frustration of being able to do all the combinations with an impossible unanimous agreement dominating the process all over again.
We all want -- even demand to be heard and be at the top of our game; however, truth be know, we are all as humans absolutely fallible, and as much as we don’t like to admit it, not everyone at all times -- not even the experts, can be right with all their theories and hypothetical indisputable calculations are right 100% of the time. Pride goeth before a fall . . . and an absolute perfectionist, if it theoretically could be achieved, would never be content, because they would know deep inside that just one more step of research or imagination could beat their indisputable position of being the “BEST” . . . and that position, in my opinion, not only is always open to debate, but is essential to the growth and progression of motivation, creativity, and invention. Without it, we would be stagnant.
Therefore, be careful when you claim being or having the “BEST” cause there is always someone or something just wanting and waiting, who not only have the desire to prove you wrong -- but the ability to do exactly that.
It is rather arrogant to boast of being the best, when there are so many other arguments and attempted efforts to be “king of the hill” by reason of more muscle or strategy, and thereby, dominating the rest of the competition out of the picture. But this doesn’t make one the “BEST” -- at least for any length of time when some younger, stronger buck takes your indisputable title away from you . . . at least not until the next one comes along who is stronger, etc. Bullying proves nothing as it stands beside arrogance and inflated egos.
I personally don’t see how anyone, aside from someone who came to monopolize the audio industry, could ever make a claim for being the best. One could claim the most expensive, but in truth, the other parameters are subjective at best -- even the so-called exacting measurements, taken under various circumstances and conditions, don't cement down such a claim as even they can be manipulated and falsely stated. There are absolutely too many variables to make such a claim until every combination was examined and unanimously agreed upon . . . and by the time that was settled, there would be how much more NEWCOMERS fighting for the title and back to the overwhelming frustration of being able to do all the combinations with an impossible unanimous agreement dominating the process all over again.
We all want -- even demand to be heard and be at the top of our game; however, truth be know, we are all as humans absolutely fallible, and as much as we don’t like to admit it, not everyone at all times -- not even the experts, can be right with all their theories and hypothetical indisputable calculations are right 100% of the time. Pride goeth before a fall . . . and an absolute perfectionist, if it theoretically could be achieved, would never be content, because they would know deep inside that just one more step of research or imagination could beat their indisputable position of being the “BEST” . . . and that position, in my opinion, not only is always open to debate, but is essential to the growth and progression of motivation, creativity, and invention. Without it, we would be stagnant.
Therefore, be careful when you claim being or having the “BEST” cause there is always someone or something just wanting and waiting, who not only have the desire to prove you wrong -- but the ability to do exactly that.