Is this an ugly speaker? TAS cover 10/2017

I thought the Wilson Audio Alex and Alexandria XLF was ugly, but now this. Not a good WAF.
Your opinion of the Wilson WAMM Master Chronosonic for $685k a pair?
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Who cares how it looks? It is not a WAF issue because anyone who can afford that those speakers will have a dedicated listening room.
I am going to provide a cynical response- no wife of any guy who buys a $685,000 pair of speakers is going to utter a single word of displeasure over any aspect of the speakers, unless she is solely the monied one in the marriage. 
Speaker design has now reached a new height of ugliness! The Chronosonic reminds me of an ALIEN with jaws open and about to devour a hapless listener!!! Scary! It would give your domestic partner a simultaneous coronary and stroke if you brought it home! Jeez, 3000+ lbs!!! Wait for the optional backhoe attachment to dig a deeper foundation for those hefty subs!
Looks like transformers. They all look similar. Not particularly pretty. And at 685k....really?