
seeking advice as to where the sweet spot is in this line price/performance.

How does Koetsu Black (wood body) compare with Koetsu Black Goldline (Aluminium body)? Same price in the UK, different spec, but it would interest me to know their characters if anyone can help?


I have owned the Black, and Black Gold Line, and as far as I remember, they both had aluminium bodies. 
That was a long time ago, almost 30 years. 
I recently heard the Black Gold Line again, and I consider it a very good cartridge. Fast, dynamic, and on the warm side.
I'm using the tonearm that came with my Technics SL1210MG5 with a KAB fluid damper attached.  I've loaded the tonearm with mass so that I've achieved a resonant frequency of 11Hz which helped quite a bit with tracking and better bass.  Tracking force is set to 1.92 grams.

Do you know what resonant frequency you have achieved with your RSP?  I'm curious if I should go lower to the optimal 10Hz?
Hard to answer that if it is sounding so good!  I use a Fidelity Research FR-64S which has an effective mass of 35 grams.  I am currently using a Jelco-Rosewood headshell at 16.7 grams.  I would assume that the resonance Hz is below ideal, but this combo won't even fit on the vinyl engine calculator. Might have to try a lighter headshell for fun.