Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Perhaps even shortening the cables from 8 to six feet helped as well. Something's contributing to the improvement. 

Hmm, methinks it's time to sell the REL T7 I bought a couple weeks back...

Measured from the centre of the Thiel logo at the base of the 2.4SE  speaker:
41" to side wall
55" from front wall
80" apart
100" to listening position

Pierre Bensusan "Awali"
Indigo Girls "Let It Be Me"
Olivia Newton-John "Warm and Tender"
Rush "Red Barchetta"
Deadmau5 "Sophie Needs a Ladder"
Rammstein "Los"

Yes I did spot those white 3.5 speakers on eBay-William

As I cable guy first and foremost, I venture to say that experimenting w/ cabling is highly advised. One may come across that magical combo that cannot be denied.   Some audiophiles swear by the whole short-vs-long cabling lengths- let your ears be your guide.

How long has it been since you last heard the Goertz Alpha in your system?
Happy Listening!

A pretty good while back. I still have two pairs of shorter Goertz Veracity that I used with my cheap-seats Musical Fidelity monoblocks on my 3.5's. I think I had an ARC linestage back then. Probably. 

I don't remember what the Goertz replaced when I did that, but the difference between
Transparent/Goertz now is VERY obvious, with the Goertz my preference. My 3.6's definitely require a higher listening level than the 3.5's did to shine.  And not by much, either.  The Goertz bring out the detail and "pressure" even at my standard level. THAT's what I was missing initially with the 3.6's. 

The 3.5 and 3.6 are VERY different speakers. As I creep up the Thiel line - money and opportunity permitting - this lesson has taught me well. Sometimes simply maintaining one's previous cables doesn't mean your new speakers will show best.  My appreciation/familiarity with/for Thiel just told me something was slightly amiss with my appreciation for the 3.6. The Goertz seem to have solved this for me.