Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ!

For those interested in auditioning the new Paradigm Persona series, as well as other high-end brands, with the benefit of highly personalized attention and 5-star customer service, I would like to recommend a visit to Audio Doctor in Jersey City, New Jersey- they have some of the largest showroom space in the NY/NJ area, and such great customer service, period!

Audio Doctor is currently the only dealer in the NY/NJ area allowed to demo in-store/sell the Paradigm Persona speaker series, so I trekked there yesterday to audition the Paradigm Persona 3F and flagship 9H stereo speakers, which both proved stupefying and extremely impressive for their price points in as far as clarity, detail, and sound stage are concerned.

The owner, Dave, is such a wonderful guy. He gave me a personalized tour of his well-built home theater room (100+ inch projector set up with KEF speaker system, excellent room treatments, very comfortable seating, etc.), and also a tour of other five-figure speaker brands on display.

Crucially, for the Paradigm demos, Dave allowed me to bring my own interconnects and speaker cables, and also to use identical separates to what I have at my place so I could ascertain for sure what the Paradigms would sound like in my home setting. I was also pleased to see many low-budget speaker/separates set ups for those on a tight budget- all on display.

Last but not least, Dave and his wife prepared a wonderful dinner for me while I was speaker-auditioning- the tastiest Mexican Tacos I have ever had! I spent a total of 4 hours at the store, and Dave even gave me a lift back to the PATH train station (I live in NYC)... so without a doubt, I would rate the customer service at this place as the best I have ever seen in my years of visiting audio stores on both coasts.

So for the NY/NJ area audiophile crowd, Audio Doctor merits an in-person visit and comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Thanks Dave- pleasure was all mine.

To JOND: This is no ad copy. I am a real person, a diplomat in fact,  residing in LIC, New York, and the proud owner of a pair of Paradigm S8s, a Paradigm C5 center, Parasound A21 amp, AVM60 pre-amp, and Morrow cables/interconnects. 

I had not met, and did not know the owners of Audio Doctor until yesterday. They are not friends of mine, and I am not beholden to them in any way. This was simply a heartfelt account of what I experienced.

You are right that I just opened my Audiogon account today- however that does not negate the veracity of my experience at Audio Doctor. I have, for a while now, been frequenting Audiogon threads w/o opening an account, but felt compelled to do so because I wanted to share my experience with the audiophile community. 

But then you don't have to take my word at face value- as they say, "trust but verify".

My suggestion: visit the store yourself and ascertain whether anything I said was made up or just "role play". I suspect you will be impressed by their service. 

Thanks for your comment though.
I too have heard great things about Audio Doctor from associates that have purchased from them.  BTW, I have been on Audiogon for many years with over 1000 posts.  I do not doubt what ph2 posted.  I believe an apology is owed to him.  

Thanks for the kind words if you are in the area, please give us a call for an appointment. I would love to check out your system as well if you are on our coast and time permits and you allow us to.

If you haven't seen our you tube video you can see our selection as of about 1.5 years ago, we still have the Polymer speakers but now feature the Personas as our go to new reference speaker line.The T+A reference electronics are new, ATC loudspeakers are now on display, and we added a Naim electronics stack and the new Uniti line,  the Micromega M100, and a whole lot of new gear. 


If you would like to comment on the video I would welcome any comments as we maybe shooting another one next year.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Excellent write up! This kind of service makes it worth buying from people like the Audio Doctor! The value from being able to thoroughlytest equipment is priceless.

FYI I had an Anthem pre-DSP about 15 years ago. The AVM 20. I was extremely dissapointed as that pre-DSP is the only device I have encountered that audibly improved with a power conditioner. It was one of the best pre-DSP in terms of functionality I have owned but the power supply design was obviously 2nd rate.

Obviously, I upgraded and I am reticent to try Anthem ever again. Of course some people prefer gear that is finicky and unreliable but for me I got rid of this component as soon as I had the opportunity to do so. My philosophy is that if it isn't working properly in a normal set up then how can you ever know that it is performing 100% no matter how many conditioners you try!!!
Thank you Shadorne.

I have been doing this as my main vocation for over 30 years. 

High end retailing in the late eighties to the ninties was so different. 

Customers were treated like royalty the salespeople were excited to be seeing  people and demoing and talking about audio and music was fun and exciting. 

Once the industry started allowing internet sales, rampant discounting, and started treating hand made limited production products like a commodity here is why stores are disappearing.

The Luxury goods model needs to be followed in all price ranges for high end to work. Stores need to exist to allow for neophytes to be educated, and to gain the experience of actually hearing what music can sound like when played on all manor of systems.

In our shop we have a large assortment of inexpensive really good gear, from the Micromega myamp $600.00 the Nad C368 $899, the Nuprime IDA 8 $995.00 to the $50k T+A gear.

The problem the industry is facing is the internet, if company A sells direct to customer B that customer may never get a chance to be introduced to better systems and the journey becomes a one way trip and growth is limited or curtailed. Its like in Fight Club got that wardrobe issue solved. 

Look at the success of Sonos, too many people that could afford a simple easy high end system such as streaming amp/dac and a set of speakers for $300-500 a pair are being led down a path which doesn't embrace the experience of actually reproducing music and educating the customer to how their appreciation and joy of music can be radically enhanced by buying better gear and then introducing that starter customer into the entire gamut of great gear. 

One of the products we really recommend is the Naim Muso and the Uniti line, because they represent an easy step into the world of quality audio so we can take a Sonos buyer and show them a better streaming speaker and then show that same buyer that a high quality streaming amp/dac with a set of real speakers sounds so much better and boom we have now created a person with an interest in high quality music and whose eyes and ears are awoken into the possibilites or what an entire industry can offer.

Allowing interenet sales is dooming many industries into a downward spiral getting people into stores all stores needs to be embraced, for the only way for people to purchase better anythings is to be introduced to them in a meaningful way.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ