Thanks, I'll look in to buying a gauge and try cleaning the manifold.
Thanks, I'll look in to buying a gauge and try cleaning the manifold.
Eminent Technology ET-2 Tonearm Owners
Brad, I assume you know that you need to remove the manifold from the housing in order to thoroughly clean it. Gentle but firm thumb pressure on one end of the manifold while securely holding the housing should break it loose. Don’t strike or pry the end of the manifold with anything, just keeping working with it until it starts to budge. Check back with issues/questions and once you are done with this as there are a few things that are very critical to proper setup that are not completely detailed in the manual. There are several here that are experts and we will help. You can view my setup on my Virtual System page for reference. Click on "Toggle details" tab for explanation. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/3778 Dave |