Wilsons are the best speakers in the world

I don't think so.
For some reason many electronics manufacturers use them for shows. Why is that? 
To accommodate their 2100 lbs weight, placement can become an important consideration if you place them anywhere except solid concrete slab. 

I own 2 sets of Wilsons. Watt Puppys, and Maxx 2's. Obviously they are the "right" speaker for my taste. Are they for everyone? probably not, but if we all had the same taste/sonic sensibilities, I suppose there would only be one speaker, one amp, 1 turntable etc.. etc.. etc..

To each there own, I say. Enjoy what works for you, and let others choose for themselves, without showing criticism towards their choices.

If you are anywhere in the Bay area please come and listen to Marten Bird 2. Bring your own music welcome.
A real treat.

There is no "best" anything in audio. Anymore than there is a best automobile, suit, watch or any other traditional material object of men's desire.