Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! for the follow -up William.
I have been active in these Audio forums since 2001. I have read over thousands of hours as you can imagine. I read about audiophiles using both Goertz and Purist Audio Designs (PAD) concurrently. There seems to be a connection there? I have yet to audition either brand.
Good to read that something as simple as switching a cable or power cord brings about change (for the better) in your system. 
Keep posting listening impressions as you re-acclimate your senses as above.
Happy Listening!
Post removed 
A system update will be forthcoming. I have not finalized completion.
Happy Listening!
This might not be the correct thread to ask, but I trust us reasonable Thiel owners. I have a hard time wrapping my head around some of the tweaks out there, including some of those made by my favorite cable company, Synergistic Research. I can't keep from coming across so many praises for their fuses however, and I see that Scott Walker Audio is offering 3 blue fuses for the price of 2 during the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. Do any of the followers of this thread use aftermarket fuses? I do periodically remove all non-soldered connections including plugs, tubes, and fuses and reconnect, and I have even used Kontak Audio Cleaning Fluid. Are theses audiophile fuses better than either ensuring the contacts are free of oxidation or simply replacing with new commercial grade fuses? Thanks, Jon

In the 40 or  so years that I’ve been buying “hifi” I’ve never blown a speaker nor a fuse. In all this time I’ve never given a single thought about a fuse’s impact on the sonics of my gear - which is not to say that I doubt there might be some, but nothing about a fuse that wasn’t already deigned by the manufacturer to be sufficient for its product has ever caused me to think, “gee, am I missing something?”

I recently saw the new SR “blue” fuse offered here and I asked a question regarding their only offering a 6.3A 250v sku when my integrated calls for a replacement of 6A 250v. I’m curious about trying this “tweak” to better my system, but unless I’m mistaken isn’t it foolish/dangerous to replace a fuse with one of a higher amperage?