Devor - KEF - Vienna Acoustic – Wilson?

Hello all!

KEF Blade IIe, Devor Gibbon X, VA Listz, WAS Sabrina.

These are not the top items on the short list, but they sure do make a lot of sense and keep occupying my ‘spend thrift’ thoughts for speaker system solutions, among a couple others. I listed them in alphabetical order, not necessarily in order of personal preference.

These loudspeakers seem as diverse as they are similar in cost to performance ratios given the subjective press they have recieved.

With the exception of the Sabrina and Gibbon X, Numbers are fairly even across the board with their sensitivity, and impedance. in terms of size and weights, respectively they appear close there too. Except for the Blade II, pricing is close as well.

Designs differ and esthetics are all seemingly very nice to outstanding.

I’m asking here for any experiences someone might have with any of these speaker’s individual voices, house sounds, and esthetics, if or where applicable.

I’m simply trying to cut down the list for which ones really deserve going out of the way to audition. Or wait for in terms of build, or possibly buying used.

Although I could definitely go either way powerwise, tubes or SS, tubes are ordinarily a preference. It does depend on the speaker’s ‘voice’ and voltage needs/demands, however.

If anyone would be so kind as to add their thoughts on any of these choices unique characteristics that would be amazing.

Demands great up stream components. Difficult to place? Needs loads of breathing room? Limited in the bottom octave (s) ?

Neutrality? Hot up top? Warm? Dark? Loose bottom end? Transparency? Imaging? Limited depth? Etc.

Hard to drive?   Not normally tube friendly? Stay away from SS?

Tremendous gratitude for any insights. Thanks much.

Go to the thread  "Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening" and see comments on 09-21-2017 1:35pm by Steventoney for a few comments as you read down on the Gibbon X.
I like the Gibbon X very much in my listen 2 weeks ago or so -- I go back tomorrow to the shop to pick a TT I’ll take with me on my move -- still working on the Integrated Amp and Speaker final choices -- after move...

I will listen to some other speakers -- but right now at the top of the list are Devore - Harbeth - Audio Note -- I listened to Gibbon X - M30.1 - AN-E -- will listen to the Devore O/93 tomorrow and re-listen to Gibbon X

I would like to listen to the larger Devore and Harbeth models O/96 and 40.2 -- will see if I can find a place after moving..

Would need to find something that really floors me to move off one of those 3 brands -- I want to keep speakers less than 14-15K at stretch -- may well shoot for 10-12K or so

Twoleftears > I first heard the Liszt's driven by the solid-state 60W integrated from Ayre. And they sounded great. They sounded better, needless to say, when we moved up to the more powerful and much more expensive AX-5.

Blindjim > interesting. The Cronus Magnum II never did push the Listz though, did they?

pokey77 > Go to the thread "Just retired and want to get back to vinyl listening"

blindjim > Super! Thanks much. I will try.
Thanks also for the update on room size and so forth I missed earlier. Many great thoughts there. Yes indeed. It is so true about gear and synergy… setup… matching gear and matching all that to a room… and cleaning up power so it does not adversely affect the audio by bleaching it...

I look as said here and nearly always when I post, the sound of what ever put together rig ahs to grab me quickly. Or soon. I don’t care if the speakers are gang busting immagers or not. Not just then. Its all about timber, and organics. Naturalness. Reality. One always knows it when one hears it. If there’s balance in the strike or leading edges and the decays too I’m definitely interested. But the tone or color of the instrument has to be alluring.

Then I’ll start trying to disassemble the outfit accounting for that or this as to its influence on the sound.

Maybe it is from decaying sight. Perhaps its because I was a musician for a pretty good while. Who knows and who really cares. The sound does have to alert me some way, some how for me to go further with it all.

I’ve heard great components individually of great reputations, compiled . together with a life sucking power line conditioner and not been impressed one iota. Albeit, in spite of some really soul sucking pieces, been able to forgive the overall and pursue the one or two items in the array that did matter. In fact bought them thereafter right off these pages. Piece by piece. Johnny Cash style.

It does seem however to ALWAYS come down to this…. Even great speakers will never do their best presentation until what is in front of them gets elevated significantly. It has ALWAYS followed too that if the upstream products are spot on performers already, many less than ultra expensive speakers will sound outstanding. Provided they are at least ‘honest’ and cohesive or coherent in the bandwidth..

Hence my philosophy for spending more on power and front ends, than on speakers… 90% of the time.

Teventoney > I like the Gibbon X very much
    > I Would need to find something that really floors me to move off one of those 3 brands -- I want to keep speakers less than 14-15K

Blindjim > I would be tremendously grateful for your input on the X’s and what was used to drive them in what size room.

After your audition, if you would not mind posting those thoughts I’d sure appreciate it.

I had the impression prior to reading your thoughts here that the Gib X’s were the top Devore product. True it is not as sensitive as the 96s looking at the spec sheets..

I saw a used pr of Gibbons listed recently. Harbeths and AE too.

I feel your pain on the which ‘INT” to get as well. Nice ones are sure not inexpensive. You are absolutely correct on which amp to what spkr too. Be true to yourself there. It will make you happy or ready to sell it soon. With the Devore or Audio notes, I’d be inclined to really go off on some smoking SET amps.

I don’t know how ‘polite’ or easy sounding Harbeths are though I suspect an INT with tubes somewhere should work if there is 150 wpc or more, for moderate sized rooms. Less in smaller, more in larger ones.

As for ‘stretching’ the buying dollar, if it were me, I’d take cash if possible. Cash has no hidden fees like plastic, bank transfers or PayPal. RWV


Jim, totally agree with you on top notch electronics enabling average speakers to sound "outstanding". I've heard it a few times and have realized that to short change yourself on quality components just short changes you on sound.


Thanks for coming in and providing your insight. Much appreciated. Looking forward to hearing more about the Gibbon Xs.

Yes indeed. Thanks very much for any and all feedback on either harbeth or devore speakers. Especially the Harbeth 30, 40, and Gibbon X and what amp pushes them in how big a room.

I tagged into that thread you mentioned. Thanks much.
Reading thru it I’m surprised no one interjected the notion of a Prima Luna INT as an option. The latest ver I read about says it is remarkably flexible with tube rolling. Thought it had a phono section too. $5k new. ## the distributor is out there on the left coast too in upscale audio.

Another thing took me while reading thru the posts there, analog. Watching youtube vids of mike Fremer on TTs got my attention. The associated ancillary gear needed for TTs puts me back off. Fremere’s input and setup videos were very interesting at any event.

It is undeniable fact. Without an exemplary well heeled signal speakers just don’t matter how great they are. Otherwise, we would be buying high dollar speakers and using androids and iPhones to run them or using any turntable and something like a Bose radio. Or Sony boom box.

It disturbs me too the speaker first club saying the best place is to start there always.

Nearly anything in the MSRP $5 to $8K range especially the popular sorts should be a fine enough starting place. If used, all the better. maybe. They should be decent enough especially in the mids and upper ends to hear the upstream changes or additions when where ever applied!

Then sell them when you’re ready for bigger and or better. Simple.

Then you have the amp you like a lot and just tote it along to audition speakers if home listening is out of the equation and the shop has nothing remotely similar to your’s..

Another reason for speakers being the final destination is speaker tech. it moves nearly as quickly as does digital tech. four to five years out your units are bordering being outdated. Although it doesn’t mean ‘time to buy the latest greatest” either.

There is an arguable trap we lay for ourselves with supposed ‘keeper’ speakers. When or if, its time to sell them.

Do ‘em like cars? Or do ‘em like schooters? Sell em off every two years or so, or keep ‘em regardless.

Both perspectives cost money. Sadly, quite often, one costs much more.

It appears we never really own our gear, we simply rent or lease it.

Unless of course it is tube amps. In that game we only have to rent the tubes.