Would you use an Ortofon A90 on a Jelco tonearm?

i sold my ART9 cartridge and now looking for an upgrade. I like Ortofon carts. I have been able to locate a low mileage A90 and a Per  windfeld cartridge that I could afford. I don't have a top quality tonearm though. Would you put an A90 on a tonearm like Jelco 750d ? Or would you spend additional $1000 on a better tonearm and get a less exotic cart like the windfeld ?
 I find the compliance matching to be of the greatest importance as far as arm cartridge  synergy. Unfortunately it seems that many people do not pay that much attention to that. 
Yes, I would put an A-90 on a Jelco SA-750 tonearm. It IS a top quality tonearm, not to say that better do not exist, but $1K isn't likely to get you one.
@sqlsavior i can't agree that no other tonearm under 1k can compete with Jelco. Let me just mention a few decent tonearms withing this budget: Sony PUA-7 stand alone version, Lustre GST-801. Both are amazing for MC cartridges (and for MM too). 

Sony PUA-7 with vta on the fly and unique super smooth armlift is one of the best (IMO), oustanding build quality. It's in the same price category as Jelco, but much better. In term of usability this is my favorite tonearm after Reed 3P.  
Analogluvr, The compliance to effective mass match is not very restricting as I see it. Based on the equation, the resonant frequency is inversely proportional to the square-root of the product of mass X compliance.  Because we take the square-root of the product, that allows for a fairly wide range of values.  If you want the Fr to be in the range of 8 to 12Hz, the inverse of the product of mass times compliance can range between 1/64 and 1/144, or more than 2-fold. So, I worry about it, but only a little bit.
 I just find that you often read of ridiculous  statements like my Denon 103 sounds great on my Infiniti black widow. Well not to say it doesn't sound acceptable but it would sound a heck of a lot better on a fr64.  So I agree that there may be outliers based on arms with resonant damping properties but you cannot cheat physics. And it seems too many folks involved with analogue play back pay zero attention To these basic parameters.