Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?


"Geoff--finally something on which I think I can sort of at least partially agree with you, although the distinction between the purely psychological and the physiological is getting blurred as more folks monkey with brains.

Has a mood affected hearing/perception? Has anyone had auditory hallucinations--"natural" or, ahem, induced? Synesthesia? Ever said, "Hey, did you say something?" when the he/she hadn’t made a peep? "Hear" more deeply into the music, when relaxed with a clear head? Had a great day and the birds chirped more loudly? Been irritable and every little annoying noise that’s usually tuned out now heard.

Not just hearing...every sense can be impacted in similar ways. Some of it is hormonal, too.

What’s this have to do with amps/preamps? Depends."

>>>>I am making a distinction between what we CAN control ourselves by action or thought and what we CANNOT control by action or thought. So I’m not really talking about drinking some wine or taking hallucinogens to get in the mood or change one’s perceptions. The mind matter interaction I’m referring to is a natural phenomenon that can be conscious, for example the sense that someone is staring at you, but usually it’s subconscious, so we’re not (rpt not) aware that the influence of our immediate surroundings, the local environment as it were, on our sensory perception is taking place. It’s all just factored into whatever we observe through our senses. We can make no distinction between say the distortion of a wire and the distortion of the mind matter interference. The mind matter interaction/interference does affect all senses, not just the sense of hearing. Think of it like interference on a radio channel. I.e., noise and distortion.

Wow. Morphic fields!

I cant believe how these threads just go completely into fantasy land. It seems like some Audiogoners are just intent on obfuscation.

Early on I point out that Benchmark has produced the worlds best performing (as measured) power amplifier (ABH2) and there is no interest.

Quote "Benchmark Media Systems' AHB2 is an extraordinary amplifier. Not only does its performance lie at the limits of what is possible for me to reliably test, it packs high power into a very small package, especially when used in bridged-mono mode. It is truly a high-resolution amplifier".—John Atkinson

Is there anyone on Audiogon actually interested in high fidelity or is everyone just fixated on making up completely imaginary pseudoscience nonsense?

Yeah man, sorry, as far as a testable scientific theory, m fields are out.

What did I just say? They’re testable. I just said they already had a contest. You know, con-test. And on the panel was David Bohm, super duper theoretical physicist. Besides, your humble scribe is a super tester. I’ve tested billion dollar comm systems. I’ve tested Morphic fields, too. You can trust me. They’re testable. And I’ve been testing them as long as almost anyone. I’m not hot dogging you. 🌭
shadorne wrote,

"Is there anyone on Audiogon actually interested in high fidelity or is everyone just fixated on making up completely imaginary pseudoscience nonsense?"

Wasn’t it Einstein in his later years who said, "I wish I had spent more time on metaphysics than I did on Physics."?