Rauliruegas, you may wish to keep in mind that it is not simply "lesser systems" that show improvement. My buddy, the late Harry Pearson, also discovered fuses a couple of years before he died, and used them. He only got as far as the Hi Fi tuning fuses, but that’s not the point. The point is: I doubt Frank or anyone else had systems to match Harry’s, and I doubt you’d be stupid enough to call his systems "lesser." They probably surpass ALL of the systems most of us have - by far. And Harry was not sentimental about equipment. He tested the claims of the fuse makers, picked the one that he found worked best and used it.
So, ixnay on the ’euphony’ stuff. Some of us can evaluate as well as Wolf or anyone else on these forums. And it is not necessary for us to offer "reasons" theories or anything else. We know because we’ve tested it extensively. And unless the idea is that the HPs of the world were "paid" to say this (he’d throttle you) because of their ’exalted status,’ perhaps the possibility exists that it works better in some equipment than others, as Harry and I both found.
If the fuses cost $10, I doubt you’d object. But because a cottage industry has sprung up around fuses, some find it necessary to disparage - and worse - DEMAND proof. How would we do that short of inviting you into our homes. And Harry was pretty scornful of people demanding he do exactly that. Simply believe what you want and desist in the snob approach ("Lesser fine tunned audio system always will shows " improvements " but in these lesser systems almost any change can makes a listeable difference for " the better.") If you believe that, your credibility just vanished. Completely.
I believe I have said several times that certain fuses did not improve the sonics OR musical expression of my system, the same as I have said for outlets and even in my reviews, components themselves. Some of us know what LIVE (and the usual qualification: "unamplified") music sound like. Why would we ever need to prove to someone - any more than adding a new power cord or line conditioner - that it benefitted my system? Why is a component of complicated construction more believable than one of supposedly ’simple’ construction?
I once had the best turntable on the planet (the Versa Dynamics), along with several other "bests" (Jadis preamp and amp: Goldmund turntable, Goldmund amp and Goldmund speakers); VAC integrated and VAC amps, Wilsons, Spectrals, Transparents’s HIGHEST LEVEL speaker cable and interconnect; MIT’s HIGHEST SPEAKER CABLE and interconnect. Were my pronouncements more believable then than now, now that I had "lesser" equipment? Your argument is based on economics - at least as you yourself have worded your latest thread. (The Snob Approach, and a disgusting one at that. "My system is better than your system, so my conclusion is the best." Fine. Well, then, between 1986 and 1996, my system was better than most people’s systems. So, whatever I pronounced was ’The FINAL WORD’ (aside from HP and other TAS writers)??? So, only the most expensive systems are the arbiters and not an the actual owner and his acuities in discerning his room’s acoustic properties, (and lack of), their ability to extract the maximum performance, and hear the real from the pretenders? My 20K system outperforms - in musical expression only - my local dealer’s $150K system, which I demonstrated - in HIS show room. Don’t be a wanker, mate.
So, ixnay on the ’euphony’ stuff. Some of us can evaluate as well as Wolf or anyone else on these forums. And it is not necessary for us to offer "reasons" theories or anything else. We know because we’ve tested it extensively. And unless the idea is that the HPs of the world were "paid" to say this (he’d throttle you) because of their ’exalted status,’ perhaps the possibility exists that it works better in some equipment than others, as Harry and I both found.
If the fuses cost $10, I doubt you’d object. But because a cottage industry has sprung up around fuses, some find it necessary to disparage - and worse - DEMAND proof. How would we do that short of inviting you into our homes. And Harry was pretty scornful of people demanding he do exactly that. Simply believe what you want and desist in the snob approach ("Lesser fine tunned audio system always will shows " improvements " but in these lesser systems almost any change can makes a listeable difference for " the better.") If you believe that, your credibility just vanished. Completely.
I believe I have said several times that certain fuses did not improve the sonics OR musical expression of my system, the same as I have said for outlets and even in my reviews, components themselves. Some of us know what LIVE (and the usual qualification: "unamplified") music sound like. Why would we ever need to prove to someone - any more than adding a new power cord or line conditioner - that it benefitted my system? Why is a component of complicated construction more believable than one of supposedly ’simple’ construction?
I once had the best turntable on the planet (the Versa Dynamics), along with several other "bests" (Jadis preamp and amp: Goldmund turntable, Goldmund amp and Goldmund speakers); VAC integrated and VAC amps, Wilsons, Spectrals, Transparents’s HIGHEST LEVEL speaker cable and interconnect; MIT’s HIGHEST SPEAKER CABLE and interconnect. Were my pronouncements more believable then than now, now that I had "lesser" equipment? Your argument is based on economics - at least as you yourself have worded your latest thread. (The Snob Approach, and a disgusting one at that. "My system is better than your system, so my conclusion is the best." Fine. Well, then, between 1986 and 1996, my system was better than most people’s systems. So, whatever I pronounced was ’The FINAL WORD’ (aside from HP and other TAS writers)??? So, only the most expensive systems are the arbiters and not an the actual owner and his acuities in discerning his room’s acoustic properties, (and lack of), their ability to extract the maximum performance, and hear the real from the pretenders? My 20K system outperforms - in musical expression only - my local dealer’s $150K system, which I demonstrated - in HIS show room. Don’t be a wanker, mate.