Your advice to speakers designers

What would it be?
I'd say - instead of building great furniture that also happens to sound good give us great sounding speakers that also happen to be acceptable furniture.
Start with the most life-like cone material for the mid-range.

Then choose the least number of drivers you think you need. Try to keep the crossover out of the midrange frequency.

Then go for what you believe is the most hear through cabinet.

Compromises, its all about compromises as we wait for the engineering to improve. All speakers are a compromise on reality, some less so.
And remove those damn crossovers from the cabinet, make them external. Also, don't use any questionable quality parts, including wires. Finally, choose your dealers wisely.

How about a loudspeaker designed to be placed against a wall. Most loudspeakers seem to be designed to be placed 3-4 feet from the back wall. Even so called 'bookshelf' speakers are usually designed to sit upon stands placed forward in the listening room.

I think a lot of us would have an easier time of it if our wives and girlfriends didn't have to contend with loudspeakers placed so far out in a room.


PS: And give us an optional paintable cabinet.