Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo

HI fellow ’goners.
I own the Shahinians, thinking of upgrading to the Treos. The Obelisks sound a little smallish for the room... And the room is not square, it's a big living area of a house, with access to the second floor's roof. 
Will this be an upgrade or just a sideward move?
Room approx 60m2, driven by Musical Fidelity A5.5, 250wpc at 8Ohm (thinking of replacing this one too).
Mostly jazz and acoustic music, less frequently - classical and pop.

Thanks for the advice.  
Bob, what is Johnny's nickname here on a-gon? Will PM him on the amp choice q.
I am aware that this amp is probably a weak link in my system. A good friend of mine who used to have the Quatro, gave 5 stars to Meridian G57.
Another amp I use is the Sringray II  from Manley. Actually, I am listening to it with Shahinians as I write. Great little amp, but hardly a match for the Quatros.
On the side note...
Why do you guys think Musical Fidelity is the wrong match for the Quatros? I realize this is a more or less "budget" amp, however its tech specs show ample power and current, it works well with low impedance speakers, and most reviewers praise its sound signature.
I used to have the Vandees 3A Sig powered by an MC402 Mac, and I am not sure this was a "match made in heaven". The sound was dark and laid back, lacking agility and punch. But, I guess, this was typical Mac sound. 
Since MF has a different sound, why should it not match the Vandees?

The Quatros
When used with an Integrated it needs to have the Preamp out
as well as the main amp input for the Hi-pass advantage.
This nicely relieves the main amp of heavy lifting with the lower frequencies.
The Quatro’s self-contained bass amps with adjustable in room
Bass Tweak takes performance dramatically to another level.
Of course, if you have a preamp and power amp this works as well.
Some Years back we hooked up a pair of Quatros to an MF Trivistor integrated that had pre-out Main in with success.
The well-written manual explains the setup procedure and downloading a
Vandertones CD on the website makes for an easy setup.
The single most overlooked task is improper High pass adjustment.
This is easily solved by setting the dip switches in the high pass to manuals
published input impedance but positively confirm it correct with a Voltmeter set to AC volts playing Vandertones Trk 27 adjust the volume of the preamp to 1 Volt AC with probes at amp or speakers + - then play Trk30.
Adjust hi pass dip switches until this reading is .707 or as close as possible, 5 percent it’s now set correctly.
After each dip adjustment, you must start again at track 27 confirming 1 V AC then trk 30 is perfect.
If purchasing a used pair of Quatros make sure you adjust all 11 pots on each speaker so they are set straight up and down 12 o’clock 6 o’clock position.
These speakers are not for the neurotic audiophile, easily overwhelmed or feebly minded scared to bust a move.
Folks that get it are the same that know achieving something this special is worth the extra effort to do it right and the rewards of music speak for itself.
Thank you for your response. 
What can you say about Treo?
A lot easier logistically for me, and costs less - $4K, almost unused.
Thank you. 
Also, can the filters be fitted between a source and an integrated amp? 
That is on top of the fact, that the filter on sale is for XLR ICs...