Devor - KEF - Vienna Acoustic – Wilson?

Hello all!

KEF Blade IIe, Devor Gibbon X, VA Listz, WAS Sabrina.

These are not the top items on the short list, but they sure do make a lot of sense and keep occupying my ‘spend thrift’ thoughts for speaker system solutions, among a couple others. I listed them in alphabetical order, not necessarily in order of personal preference.

These loudspeakers seem as diverse as they are similar in cost to performance ratios given the subjective press they have recieved.

With the exception of the Sabrina and Gibbon X, Numbers are fairly even across the board with their sensitivity, and impedance. in terms of size and weights, respectively they appear close there too. Except for the Blade II, pricing is close as well.

Designs differ and esthetics are all seemingly very nice to outstanding.

I’m asking here for any experiences someone might have with any of these speaker’s individual voices, house sounds, and esthetics, if or where applicable.

I’m simply trying to cut down the list for which ones really deserve going out of the way to audition. Or wait for in terms of build, or possibly buying used.

Although I could definitely go either way powerwise, tubes or SS, tubes are ordinarily a preference. It does depend on the speaker’s ‘voice’ and voltage needs/demands, however.

If anyone would be so kind as to add their thoughts on any of these choices unique characteristics that would be amazing.

Demands great up stream components. Difficult to place? Needs loads of breathing room? Limited in the bottom octave (s) ?

Neutrality? Hot up top? Warm? Dark? Loose bottom end? Transparency? Imaging? Limited depth? Etc.

Hard to drive?   Not normally tube friendly? Stay away from SS?

Tremendous gratitude for any insights. Thanks much.
pokey77 >
…. Rogue tubes & Sopra 2s - it was very analytical and shrill. I don't think any electronics could put the Sopra 2s in my wheelhouse.

Blindjim > My only EXP with the Focal line was with their 900 series in a dismally poor setup. Krell HT amp, monster wires, yeech. On rep alone, I figured their upper lines deserved some attention. Focal can show with anyone’s elecs I suppose. I keep seeing them paired with VAC though. Hmmm.

….Kevin Deal did point out what items were in each component but did not try to sway our opinion of build quality; he let us each do that on our own.

Blindjim > Super! My jest of KD was not meant as a derogatory slight at all. (input for the thinner skinned demographic. lol)

…. In the end, the two PL products were very musical and they essentially sounded like the twice-as-expensive ARC product. And you know I love ARC gear.

Blindjim > ARC. I’ve been getting that impression.
My question here would be on the manner in which the PL was or were running as I thought they could be switched between SET and PP. were they in SET, or ultralinear – PP, in this comparison? I suspect the latter, not the former.

…. don't think that the Sabrina's needed all the control the DAG could give.

Blindjim > Interesting. Sonic or timberal accuracy IMO is not always one’s truest preff. Bass for EX below the low tones of piano and dog house bass or about 40Hz comes in thumps, whacks, and bumps, a lot. My first sub was well, ‘wooly’, compared to my Velodyne DD 15. Bass tones with tubes and loudspeakers in general was less pointed. Less leading edge, more emphasis on decays perhaps. Naturally this result can be ‘tightened’ up different ways. Depending on the recording of course. For quite some time, I actually enjoyed the less obtrusive softer ‘woolier’ lower end presentation. That is, until I experienced greater truth in that area.

I also found out in there somewhere, one can have ‘too much of a good thing’ now and then.

The bottom end does more than attend to its own precinct. It influences and can amend the mid bass and mids, removing some details and or reduces   or hampers transparency there as well. Most noticeably with vocals.

..…. PL option is a very good choice. …. the PL stuff runs plenty hot

Blindjim > This is why I wonder if SET was in play.
Past tube amps and Class A amps have shown me additional cooling is more than likely another area of need if I roll down that hill again.

Thru all the setups I’ve endured or been able to listen to, I’ve found the wires and if in the mis, Power line condidtioning are important areas to take notice of as to who’s who and where.

I’ve been lucky in that each of my own PLCs are all passive. Each time I’ve listened to remarkably expensive setups which use active power line conditioning or altering, I’ve periodically been underwhelmed. Something somehow in that mix was reducing the color within the tones. For lack of a better word, ‘bleaching’ the notes. Absorbing a portion of life notes should possess.

I’ve been reading up on Allmic, and Burning amps lately. A noteable hybrid or two, and what I can find online of Nagra.

My satisfaction will come from attaining what I believe music sounds like. Period. At the end of the day, IMO, tubes should have the luster tubes indemically demonstrate. Tube amps should not at all be found to duplicate SS. Ever. If a system is indistinguishable from one to the other, why do it at all?

Folks relent regularly on ‘distortion’ present with tube amps. So? Distortion is a viable part of what we hear in live music. Amplified or acoustic. This is inescapable. It’s the degree of distortion which should be contested, not its presence. Romance and euphony have their place. Although maybe not in every song’s recreation.

I want Def Lepoard and AC DC to resound without those attributes. Krall, Hartman, Coltrane, Martin, Koz, Holiday, Fitzgerald, well then yes, if it is received as a positive trait the tune can carry.

There in a nutshell is the dichotomy many including me wrestle with continuously. Adoring the traits SET amps present, but still desirous of speed, nimbleness, and honesty in a well heeled sophisticated coherent and cohesive production. The undeniable solution of course is to simply have two individual setups, one SET, and one simple, yes, but afforadable? Well, not immediately.

I’m toying with the notion of incorporating a TT source. Eventually. I”ve got a couple hundred LPs which might not yet be frisbies or Skeet targets. The enormity of expense in that area gives me a weak feeling in my stomach just thinking about it all. Wow. $4K just for a record cleaning device!! Good Golly Miss Molly!

Always see what wires and PLC is in the mix. They definitely contribute to what you are hearing.

With the correct tubes, am amp can sound and perform like it is something else entirely. If you aren’t careful you’re gonna talk yourself into those Sabrinas.

RE 9s & Xs (tens) yes. me too. I bet it will be next sprng or summer before info filters onto the various forums and mags about their comparisons..
I feel like we're kinda doing this backwards -- starting with four speakers and trying to see which ones you might like.  As I'm reading through responses I'm getting bits and pieces about what you like, what's important to you, and you're actually looking for in a speaker, but it's hard to pull it all together.  I think it would be more efficient and effective if you could summarize where you stand on these critical points so we have a more focused picture of what you're looking for, and then we'll be in a much better position to provide informed and targeted feedback and recommendations.  Just my $0.02. 

Soix > I think it would be more efficient and effective if you could summarize where you stand on these critical points so we have a more focused picture of what you're looking for.

Blindjim > many thanks. Let me know which points you need clarification on and I’d be happy to provide them.

My preffs and desires, and a general vicinity of what I’ll spend is pretty well outlined in my Keeper speakers under $25K thread and a similar one on amps costing $15K posted fairly close together. About a month or so ago.

My original intention was to put together a new or mostly from new pieces, a main system. Upgrading and updating from what I have left over and onto what is reputedly better now.

Two main areas are amps and speakers. Neither of which do I presently own class A items, as you put it, but will buy ?? in the not too distant future. Likely spring or summer 2018. Sooner if at all possible.

These four speaker makers interest me though they are not the only ones. I like the idea of tubes and reasonably eff speakers and have had that previously. This time I simply want it all on a bit higher level.

My system philosophy is source > power > speakers. In that order. More $$$ to less $$$$. Neither am I really opposed to buying used at any point however, given the amounts or levels of build and or quality, I’m a bit reticent to lay out five digit dough on pre-owned until I see it first hand… or it comes from an incredibly strong seller where I have recourse.

I’ve a few medical roadblocks in my path just now preventing me from traveling so there’s plenty of time to attempt to get a feel for some things and pondering the overall budget.

Naturally speakers and amps are not the whole shooting match as wires and racks or stands and so forth will be needed as will room acoustics.

I’d like very much to know about these listed herein, general presentations. As stated in the introduction. Are KEF & BW similar in sound and power needs? Are Vienna Acs warm or dead neutral? And do they really need loads of power? What about the Gibbon tens, I only know from specs they won’t need big amps, but some watts, yet nothing on their lower ends or tweeters presentations. I’ve heard a few Wilson’s inclduding Sophias I & II. A number of other speakers that I have not mentioned as I’m really not a fan given past auditions.

I would prefer a speaker system which can operate fully on amps with 200wpc and less outputs.if much less, all the better as tube monos might well be the direction I’d prefer to go.

That said, I’m not a tube ONLY guy. SS works for me too. The idea is to get as much of ‘they are here’ as is possible. If not that, then as much of “I am there’ as is possible.

I listen to everything but Rap – hip Hop – urban Jazz, and Electronica.

Looks are important. Maybe too much. Esthetically, I like each of the ones listed here. Others as well but felt getting a shot at hearing these would be a much easier task then some of the others I’m keen on like Martins or Verity’s just for example.

I’m not a card carrying detail freak. That said, I love a presentation that is jaw dropping foot tapping, all smiles, near tangible. Superb imaging and sound staging are high on my list, as is timberal accuracy. If it doesn’t sound natural across the bandwidth and have a bottom end that kicks, I’m not going to be too interested.

A super easy sounding tweeter is a real key. I’m real sensitive to highs and still have very good range of hearing so if its hot up top. I’m usually out quickly.

Won’t have enough room nor the disposition to bring in tall speakers. 4ft. or so should be sufficient. I’d use subs if all else in the speakers were top flight on all accounts but they had problems down below.
Again, let me know what you would like me to further illuminate and I will.


Check this thread out if you have not already.

I think all three amps were playing in the same mode to keep the contest equal. I believe Kevin talked about it but I've forgotten.

"If you aren’t careful you’re gonna talk yourself into those Sabrinas." Right now it is between them and the smaller MBLs. MBL is what got me to really consider buying a new system. I've just had many more chances to hear the Sabrina's than the MBLs in the last year or two.

"My satisfaction will come from attaining what I believe music sounds like. Period." That is my goal. I'm just hoping to make one last move that gets me as close as possible to that.

pokey77> Thanks for the link. This was one thread I was able to search for and find a couple weeks ago.. I tagged it today and asked a Q or two.

sometimes, with the exact thread name, Google will find it and that path is very easy.

Since A’gon changed the site back in ’10 or so, navigating and especially searching for specific items gives me significant trouble. My adaptive or accessiblility software won’t locate or read some of the buttons or controls I need to use. They seem to have become invisiblethe site was not written adequately enough. . Now and then I can find them visually. Its tedious.

One thing I’ve found as absolutely true is once you hear something that blows you away, if at all possible, buy it. Trying to resemble it, or emulate it will never duplicate it.

That has happened to me only once. I did try to recreate it with portions of that rig. It came off very well, a good while later, but not with the voice I heard from the orig system. I’ve accounted for this in plenty of threads and my reviews on the Thor TPA 1000 MK II, Silverline Sonata IIIs and Dodd monos, respectively.

When I had the chance, I should have bought a pr of the Thor PA30s. circumstances did not permit so I went the way I could. Eventually it became very satisfying. Then life bit me where it hurts for a while and well, here we are again.

I suspect too, as is said around here, even a ‘turn key’ setup ain’t gonna sound identical to how it sounded at where ever, once it is in our listening room. I would venture it would be mighty close though. Maybe better, maybe not. But awfully close. Close enough to tweek into shape I’d think.

If MBL is what pushes your hot button, buy MBL. Even if it hurts a little at first. If its at all do-able. This is of course, dependant upon just how pedantic with some things you may be.

I’m totally unfamiliar with MBL whatsoever. Are they di poles? I seem to recall a review that alluded to the reviewer traveling to MBL to listen to a certain recording thru MBL amps & Focal Grands at the factory, then returning to listen to a lesser outfitted rig but with similar amps or speakers… yeah, maybe it was MBL amps I was reading about.

Its now been such a long while for me, having anything well above average would work … for a pretty good bit of time. Eventually, knowing me, I’m gonna want to get ‘real’ about a pretty nice SET outfit. This is why I’m more interested in speakers that can do very well with lower powered amps as the ‘best’ of all possible scenarios to wind up in. Remaining open minded on this point is troubling, but I’m hoping its not impossible.

Maybe its as simple as seeing potential in a system, or component. Unquestionably it’s the speakers you hear though it is as well the system’s components too. As I’ve said, if the speakers are kicking out glory, they need to be recognized as mighty good speakers despite the rest of the components based solely on ‘performance and potential’.

The only time I’m willing to be contrary to this notion and dismiss Heavenly sounding speakers is when the stuff upstream of them has too much ‘can’taffordium’ or a lot of ‘unobtaininum’ in their builds. That is until I can hear them with more ‘down to earth’ gear pushing them.

Woo. Best sound I’ve ever heard!! Yeah, but who can afford the 200K worth of goods sitting upstream? Again, its not merely the speakers making the jaw dropping noises and that part is easy to forget when looking ‘just’ for speakers.