Is anyone going to the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest?

The RMAF begins on Friday. Will anyone attend?
The Nagra room with new HD preamp and amps with Wilson Alexias and the Wilson Benesch with Ypsilon room were my favorites.
The Ayon room with Lumenwhite speakers were good. I was amazed at how large a soundstage was created with speakers so close to the walls!

I remember one of my first visits to the CES. I was looking mostly for speakers. I found " spectacular " sounding room. I was smitten. I ordered the demo speakers they were using for my show room in Colorado. All wood thick face plate 1.5" thick. Horn 12" horn speakers with a carved face for the drivers. I was in " wow " heaven. 

After two months of listening in my demo room with some fine tube amplifiers, Art Audio, Juele Electra, Atmas-sphere, I came to despise them. What had sounded spectacular in the demo room was killing my ears. Bright and forward. 

The moral to this anecdote, My opinion is that when a room sounds spectacular or fabulous, that may mean it is way to much in your face.

It may be, sure. Almost every time I am reading about people's impressions, it is Gryphon, Ypsilon, Lamm and Nagra electronics with various speakers that get the praise. Oh yes, and Wavac. And sometimes VAC too. They must be all doing something very right. I also increasingly hear good things about Thales table/arm plus Ikeda cartridge set-up. Perhaps not quite a reference level but very very high.