Single Ended or Balanced -- a Difficult Choice

Circumstances recently gave me a chance to really compare the sound of single ended vs balanced connections in my system and the results somewhat surprised me. I've always believed balanced (implemented correctly) to be superior and had been running all balanced cables throughout my system. However with a pending switch to a new phono stage which is single ended only I have been having AudioQuest re-terminate my various WEL Signature/Horizon cables as single ended. 

Where I got surprised was between my DCS Vivaldi DAC and my pre-amp (ARC Ref40). Much to my amazement the single ended connection sounds markedly better than the balanced. With the latter there is a definite edge and lack of continuity to the sound. Vocals and leading edges seem forced and you miss a sense of wholeness and seamlessness to the sound -- especially apparent on vocal. It's a difference that you only notice after you hear it, but once you've heard it it's very noticeable. Obviously this is all after adjusting for the different output level between these two connections.

Overall the lesson learned is to take the time to compare the two if you have a choice -- and if you have identical pairs of cables available with each termination. My rule of thumb going forward will be to stick with single ended for single ended circuits, as going balanced is just introducing another active stage with the negative consequences as above (of course I'm assuming the Vivaldi DAC is not a balanced circuit at the output but who knows)

For my big run pre-amp to VTL MB-450III I stick to balanced as for a 10M run single ended is not an option, besides which both of these are balanced circuits as well

Anyway a helpful and surprising lesson and I'm sending my last balanced shorter interconnect back to get it changed!
Hi folkfreak,

I have heard similar before from a reviewer friend that tenaciously sticks with SE interconnects despite having a full compliment of fully-differentially-balanced gear. The difference is that you actually compared them for yourself and recognize that the results can change depending on the subject componentry.

I too have experienced the detrimental sonic effects of conversion from SE to "balanced XLR"  in a true-SE design and wonder how many are suffering this unknowingly due to lack of comparison.


Have always used SE, Changes in equipment this last year brought a hum to my system that I could not resolve.
Finally, after a 1 1/2 years of searching, I found a pair of my preferred make of 30' ICs w/ XLRs at a great price and really a rare find....... Hum vanished, low level details are better than ever etc, etc. Will I sell the 30' RCA ? No. I may need them again one day. All the more reason to keep searching and comparing.
nkonor, I agree that there is a lot to be discovered in the audio world by actually listening to different things.

Smart move hanging onto those cables. I have a closet full of cabling, power cords, isolation equipment, etc to address different needs as they arise and find it indispensable.

 My experience in connecting a Pass preamp to a Pass amp is that balanced is notably superior. Every setup though is unique and my experience is what works for me.