Guidocorona > high damping factor designs being the bane of audiophiles is an urban legend...
Blindjim > Hi G! Glad you’re still breathing. unmistakably. Too many factors rearrange the actual damping factor its incredible. Even the length of speaker wires! Frequency! Etc.
Found this online about damping….
George L. Augspurger, James B. Lansing Sound Inc.
Electronics World January 1967
Posted on Butler Audio site easier read on this subject is here:"DAMPING FACTOR" by John L. Murphy
Physicist/Audio Engineer
whitecamaross OP > pass 200.5 vs 200.8….
blindjim > you indicate a noticeable difference here, mind briefly expanding on it? Their usual cost diffs too if possible.
Also, thanks for such an involved journal on power amps, SS at least. As you have enjoyed some hybrids did you ever archive your impressions on them after rolling their tubes as well?
Ever consider similar Euro hybrid amps, or for that matter Euro SS amps at all?
Ypsalon Alias monos have really piqued my interest as did the PSA’s. a wide gulf separates them and I’m not talking about the water either. Moreover, $$$$ and designs. I suspect too, voices ought not be even close in terms of well, who knows, given you could buy two pr. Of the PSA’s for the price of one pr of Alias’?
The Alias’ now have a recently released update. Never could I justify buying them new… but as pre-owned maybe.
Thanks so very much.