Personal speaker evolution

OK, so here is a thread I haven't ever seen here: What speakers have you owned? starting with the earliest, price paid, new/used, and perhaps the models that really impressed you (for the price) in CAPS.

Rat Shack Something or others, $120, new
Fisher Something or others, $280, new
ADS L710's, $550, new
Snell A2i's, $1100, used
BEVERIDGE SYSTEM 3'S, $1000, used
Martin Logan CLS, $1400, used
MARTIN LOGAN SL3'S, $2300, used
You probably want a 5 channel amp. For what you have Marantz or Anthem or NAD are all good bets. They give real power. I'd personally go with NAD or Anthem as their amps seem to power all channels and don't get overloaded (from what I hear as I only run two channel). I have an older B&K St140 that would power two of your channel nicely. Actually it's a good amp for the price as it is pretty powerful. Then you can get a nice three channel amp for your fronts and use a pre/processor. If you went that route, you keep your upgrade options open as you can just change to better amps later on or eventually save up for a strong 5 channel amp or even just get a new processor when the latest changes.
Spendor LS3/5a bw (1992, new), KEF LS3/5a Raymond Cooke edition (2006, still new), 1992 Martin Logan Aerius (2011, used).

Legacy Focus 20/20 (4 yrs)
Legacy Whisper (4 yrs)
VSA VR-7SE Mk2 (4 yrs)
VSA VR-9SE Mk2 (0 minutes; currently for sale new in crates)

Focal Grand Utopia EM (2+ months - ?) DONE!

All were great speakers for my system at the time I owned them. Never took the VR-9's out of their crates - disagreement w/mfr over broken promises, etc.(currently for sale at great price on Agon)

Current Utopias are way beyond anything I ever even dreamed about when I started this hobby years ago. I've been very fortunate to know many excellent manufacturers and great audio friends over the years from all over the world.
CTS- If you're talking to me, THANKS - I appreciate it. You have a very nice system - I'm jealous of the analog... :-)