Lossless iTune music

Do you listen mobile device music from your system?  I use ipad instead of CD player now.  I rip music from CD to lossless file in computer then import to iTune and Bluetooth stream music from iPad to my system.  I tried Tidal, but didn’t like to pay $19 a month subscription fee.  If you store hifi music on mobile device, where do you get it from?  Thanks
When I play music on my big rig, that is playing from my iPod, or friend's iPhones when they visit, I connect the iPod/iPhone through a Nuforce iDo. The iDo accepts either a 30 pin - USB, or Lightning - USB cable and it extracts bit perfect digital signal from the iPod/iPhone. It has a built-in DAC, but I don't use it. I use the digital coax out of the iDo into my DAC.

Very good sound from a portable device, especially when playing anything lossless. Of course, anything I play that is a lossy format is less good sounding....

I don't use this setup for most listening. But it is a major convenience when friends come over and want to share their tunes. It's also great from streaming Radio Paradise using the iPod/iPhone RP App.

Convenience, thy name is Andnroid and Apple. Dilly. Dilly.

Using mobile devices for controlling functionality is one thing, using them for storage and serving is another.

Even if a iPad or Iphone had the greatest amount of HDD space, it still seems weired to me to have those devices doing the job better more capable hardware could do on higher levels. This improves access to them from various platforms inside and outside the LANas well.

Having lossless files is but one part of the equation. Having them eat up space on moble gizmos seems a stop gap measure at best. For now, perhaps. But only temporarily.

The wired method mentioned above is interesting albeit for expediency sake. I would ask folks to bring thumb drives or Discs, if they wish to hear something played thru my rig I don’t aready own or own in a particular HD format. Its easier that way and I also get some new files now and then, with their permission of course. Dilly. Dilly.

"better more capable hardware could do on higher levels"


if an ipad and some other device using the same files are serving up a bit stream to the same outboard DAC, I fail to see how another device is better or more capable or at a higher level.

In fact, if the ipad is on battery power while operating. you eliminate a gnd loop thru the p/s

Easier to use might apply.
Nuforce iDo sounds like a good solution,  My iPad Pro has 512GB hard drive.  Most of my music is stored in iTunes lossless format; some MP3.  There is enough storage to hold large size format.  I also have a 8TB NAS that holds video and more music which I connect and play though wireless network from iPad.

i used to use a 2 to 1 Cardas cable plug into iPad to play music, but don’t like the sound and it’s inconvenient.  Bluetooth works great because I can stay in my chair, play music and multitask on iPad.

i never thought about Bluetooth music quality.  Just found an article, kind of interesting.

I guess the key is using a good DAT.  Thanks for your feedback, learn a lot.
You can always buy a Google Chromecast Audio ($30) and use that instead of bluetooth.  Much better quality, for very little cost, and very easy to use.