The Aaron Copland / Bob Dylan connection

Do I have your attention now?!

I am about 2/5th's the way into an amazing book that anyone with the slightest interest in American art forms should find well worth his or her time. It was written by Sean Wilentz, a Professor of American History at Princeton, and author of a few books on that subject. But the book I'm reading is entitled Bob Dylan In America, and it is, hands down, the best writing on Dylan I have yet to read. And I have read a lot about Dylan!

Wilentz starts the book by laying out the context within which Dylan's work will be examined and discussed, starting with the very American music of Aaron Copland. I guarantee you, you have never before heard what Wilentz has to say about the connection between that composer and Dylan. The next section is about the overlap between the Beat writers and the Folk singers of the late 50's and early 60's, but not without tracing their origins back to the 1930's. The relationship between Dylan and Allen Ginsberg is discussed in great detail, and continues into future chapters. It is fascinating stuff.

Wilentz finally gets to Dylan himself, and provides details on the writing and recording of Bob's first six albums, as well as the live shows coinciding with them, culminating in by far the best examination of his masterpiece, "Blonde On Blonde", I have read. Every song, every recording session, every musician involved (there are some surprises!), all examined with fanatical attention to detail. I thought I already knew a lot about the album, but I learned much more than I already knew. Absolutely fantastic!

I do believe this may be the best book I have ever read on the subject of, not just Dylan, but of any artist. I found it at my Public Library, but I'm going to buy a copy. That I'll want to read it again I have no doubt.

Thanks! for sharing- bdp24-

you are correct in that there are no shortages on books about Dylan.
Please suggest the books, authors, that offer the best of the Bob Dylan arsenal.
It's apparent that you are a fan of Dylan and his music, so I would like to ask you what you think about his work in recent years as compared to his more famous earlier work.

nice. Thanks for mentioning that book.

That book seems pretty incisive on a portion of Bob's life and work.

It did not take long for me to begin finding out the ties between one musician’s works and some other musician. Regularly current works when the history is reviewed, often it can be found out someone else actually wrote it years, even decades before!

Even riffs and just plain influences from different musical genres are contributory to how another artist goes about constructing or reconstructing new works. It is fascinating to dig deeper into where something actually originated. Suprising too, as with this tie to Copeland.

Despite influences, artists like Cash, Prine, Kristofferson, Parton, Rodgers, Dylan and others are songwriters with few parallels. Still fewer crossed over as many platforms or influenced as many later artists as did Dylan IMHO.


Agreed- blindjim
I love these types of books that tells the story of influence and impressions on a certain artist. in this case,  Dylan. We all know that someone, somewhere, had an impact.

Sidenote: Dylan's last (3) releases- tributes to Sinatra- are all outstanding!
Shadows in the Night
Fallen Angels

Jafant  - you really can't say with all due sincerity that the last recorded work by Bob Dylan was any good. It is just god awful and painful to even listen to. " Time Out Of Mind '' was his last offering in which his voice was still there and the songs had any strength. How anybody can listen to his music now is beyond me. I have seen him live about 25 times and the last time was about 10 years ago and if it was any other performer I would got up and walked out but I didn't out of respect. I have never seen him again live and will not buy anymore of his music .......Bob there is NO ONE behind you, there will NEVER be anybody like you or close to you EVER again, but give it up your voice and singing are gone