Aurender N10 sort by artist out of sequence

My Aurender N10 is not sorting my Tidal albums in correct sort by artist sequence. For example, the letter H albums are listed after the letter A and albums in letter C and D are mixed up, etc.   I emailed Aurender Customer Support and also logged an on line support request and waiting for them to respond.

This is the 2nd time this error has occurred on my unit and I am concerned. The first time, Aurender found and deleted the single Tidal album causing the sort problem.  

The incorrect sort occurs when sort by artist is selected. As was suggested, I logged into Tidal on my Mac computer and the sort by artist sequence was perfect. I deleted the Aurender App on my iPad and re-installed. I still have the problem.

Anyone else having this problem? Another other suggestions?  Thanks. 
I sent additional info to Aurender and Tidal. Now I wait for a solution. I deleted several albums having multiple artists but nothing worked. I scanned my albums for strange characters but found nothing. I checked my albums and they all look okay. My Tidal albums on my Mac computer are sorted correctly. The other sorts on the Aurender are okay. Sort by artist is the one not working.

Last time, a single album was the problem and the Album was "Dvorak -Symphony No. 9 'From The New World' – Slavonic Dances. (Artist is Various Artists).

In summary, my 1 and 2 album sections are okay.

My Letter A album section is okay.

The sort problem first occurs after letter A when letter H is listed. This section includes one letter A album and the rest are letter B items.

My B section includes letter C and some D albums.

My letter C section includes letter D albums.

My letter D section includes letters D and E.

My letter E section includes letter F and G albums.

Letter F section includes letter G albums.

Letter G section includes letter H albums.

Letter I section is okay.

Letter J section is okay.

Letter K is okay.

Letter L is okay.

Yes, I reviewed the albums in section H and deleted albums that had multiple artists or some similar combination. I do not know how the Aurender sorts by artist or where the sort tags come from. This is very strange.  

Any suggestions are welcomed.   
My sort by artist problem is solved.  I manually scanned every single album I marked as a favorite.   I noticed the Sabra Dance album had no content. I deleted it and my albums are now sorted correctly.  A miracle.   

As per my above post, I sent an email to Aurender Customer Support suggesting they review their App API since it needs to do a better job handling Tidal albums with metadata and content problems. Aurender needs to handle all incoming Tidal metadata correctly including possible content errors.

I know this is probably not the highest priority for Aurender but it should be added for their review in the near future.

I was told that Tidal album content disappears when Tidal no longer has the streaming rights to the album contents. For example, Tidal lost rights on David Chesky records and Claire Martin. Peter Gabriel is also one of them and also a very limited albums by Phil Collins.

How does the Aurender App handle Tidal albums that are missing content or have metadata problems? For example, my Sabre Dance album was missing content and it caused my sort by artist to get messed up.  I emailed this question to Aurender.  

Obviously, missing album content is a problem that the Aurender App needs to be aware of and handle correctly.   

Please see response below from Tidal Streaming:

“I have sent your message on over to our development team for consideration.

While I cannot provide an immediate response confirming the status of your request, please know that feedback like yours is truly appreciated and helps us shape TIDAL to fit the wants and needs of our Members”.