Again, I truly remain very appreciative to everyone’s input. At this early stage of owning and listening to the Yggy I am inclined to keep it. I’m honestly not even considering returning it. On the bright side, I’m very happy with sound of my equipment (collectively).
At the moment (well, just prior to this post) I’m specifically listening to an acoustic set of music (Grateful Dead source gd80-09-29.sbd.hinko.21926.sbeok.shnf) and it does sound rather incredible. But, I remain of the opinion that my system already sounded incredible without the Yggy.
@ghosthouse mentioned to listen (from a comparison perspective) for "greater dimensionality" . I’m honestly inclined to think there is some advantage here that the Yggy brings to the table, versus my Oppo. I can somehow sense better quality sound has been introduced, as there does appear to be a bit more omnipresence to the sound stage. Hard to pinpoint, but ghosthouse’s description of dimensionality I think is accurate. I also think/hear *some* degree of "digititis" has been removed.
The other suggestions of isolation and better cables is also well received (by me anyway), and I have little/no doubt that too would yield some improvement. However, I would expect marginal improvement with that type of upgrade, in comparison to the upgrade of installing the Yggy, a completely new component. I’ll keep the isolation/cables in mind for my next upgrade, but at the moment I’ll let the dust settle (for a few weeks at least) with the Yggy acquisition before committing any more dollars to this seemingly never ending hobby.