Amp matching for PMC (small room setup)

Hey all,
Need some advice on which path to go with.
I was pretty happy with my setup: NuWave DSD DAC -> Exposure 2010S2D -> PMC DB1i, using the tape out to a Lehmann BCL headphone amp.

I can’t really fault the sound, it was very much to my liking. The main issue was that this is used as a nearfield setup, with both the headphone and integrated amp on a rack beside my desk. The int. felt like it was overkill, as I will always have one source, and I was going back and forth between the two alot.

I was hoping to simplify my setup (and "upgrade" in the meanwhile), by selling the exposure and lehmann, for a Bryston BHA-1 as a headphone amp/preamp, to a power amp.
The exposure sold fast (I hope I won’t regret it !!), and in the meanwhile I have decided to hold on to the lehmann (which can also act as a single source preamp) and postpone the BHA-1.

So, the "paths" I thought of are:
1) Try out class D - Bel Canto Ref500s, wyred4sound st-500mk2
2) Bryston as a natural partner to PMC: 3B SST, 2.5 SST2 or similar
3) Trade-in my NuWave DSD to PS Audio for the new Stellar Preamp/Dac + Amp combo.
4) Try a different integrated, just because I saw some interesting options: Bryston B100 SST (from 05), Yamaha A-S2000 or Plinius 9100.

What do you all think would be the proper next step?
Get a different int. defeats the purpose of selling the Exposure in the first place, but if the headphone amp is as capable as the lehmann, then that should be fine as well.
Budget is around $1500

Thanks !!
Hi Ron, that is an interesting suggestion. I had not taken tubes into consideration, and am not familiar with Decware.

The room is approx 10x15 ft

In the spirit of tube suggestions, there a few interesting Rogue Audio listings currently, if anyone has input on that
I have heard great things about Rogue audio but no personal experience. I have been using Decware equipment for the last 6 years and have just been blown away. I don't have any urge to try anything else.

10x15 is a modest size room, really quite nice for this setup!

You will be amazing at what tubes will do, sure they have their downsides, but there really is nothing like it. Also, being able to roll tubes and create a completely new sound signature is really cool in my opinion.

Here are three great options to read about, Decware site has a TON of information on it, why he makes the design decisions he does. It is also worth giving Steve a call at Decware, he is a great resource and will help pair your speakers way better than I could.

Here is his buying guide if you're worried about the amount of power:

Your PMC's are 8 ohms and sensitivity is 87dB, one watt at one meter.

MiniTorii $1795 (4 WPC):
Zen Triode $1495 (6 WPC):
SE84UFO2 $1295 (2.3 WPC):

Decware also has an amazing Lifetime warranty as well as a 30 day in-home trial. Steve will help you make the right decision.

Hope this helps!
