It's European invasion

Gryphon, Ypsilon, Lansche, Kharma, Focal, Jadis, Mastersound, Swiss electronics etc. At the highest or close to it level they are overtaking big time. Yes, there are still competitive American brands, but it appears that Europeans are gaining more and more ground. With the help of Japanese - TechDas, Technics, Wavac, Kondo Japan, others.
What is going on, I wonder ?
Question for us, as members of audiophile community, could be - what can we do to try and influence this unfortunate tendency in an effort to reverse it ? more stuff.  All comes down to consumption of the products.  The market will fill the voids, and then it's up to us to be picky. *G*  'Twas always thus...

good query. The companies that you cited realized that their counterparts are junk-sourcing to china. There are a few American originals still left.
There are a few Japanese originals left as well. Excellent points of view as above.

Economic argument is a good but not the only one. And it may not be as straightforward. If we buy more of what some make now and keep buying it, what economic reason would they have to innovate? They would have more financial resources, but would they channel enough of them to R&D ? And what about those who do have motivation and knowledge but cannot establish themselves because of lack of funds?
It also appears that Europeans manage to make good sounding equipment at all price levels.