Interesting in that Soekris states
"It have the fantastic clean and natural sound of a 27 bit R-2R sign magnitude DAC..."
whereas Schitt states
"If your 24 bit recordings actually have 24 bits of resolution, we’ll eat a hat. And those "32-bit" DACs? Well, they have this measurement known as “equivalent number of bits.” This means, in English, how many bits of resolution they really have. And that number is 19.5. And 21 is better than 19.5, in all the math books we know."
"It have the fantastic clean and natural sound of a 27 bit R-2R sign magnitude DAC..."
whereas Schitt states
"If your 24 bit recordings actually have 24 bits of resolution, we’ll eat a hat. And those "32-bit" DACs? Well, they have this measurement known as “equivalent number of bits.” This means, in English, how many bits of resolution they really have. And that number is 19.5. And 21 is better than 19.5, in all the math books we know."