Why do turntables sound different?

Let's consider higher-end tables that all sound excellent. Same arm/cartridge and the rest of the chain. Turntable is a seemingly simple device but apparently not quite or not at all.
What do members of the 'scientific community' think?
@roberjerman ~ I agree with you, vibrations is where it's at.  Let's also add speed stability in rotating the platter.
I thought about responding but, decided against.

The reason for this thread is of concern?

 I agree it is all about vibration and speed stability. I am puzzled when I see a high priced turntable sitting on a rack between two speakers. The positioning of the turntable to avoid vibration is critical.

 I have my turntable in the corner on the opposite side of the room from my speakers. It sits on a 3" maple block which sits on a  VPI turntable stand filled with sand. I have all my front end equipment in that corner as far from the speakers as possible. I run a pair of 9 meter interconnects from the preamp to the amp which sits between the speakers.

nknor instead of getting the TT out of the room and spending huge $$$ on ic's and speaker cables why not get some great isolation platforms like minus-k or Vibraplane? Problem solved.