@slaw your knowledge was very helpful in setting up my spring platform. I also utilized a lot of info from @geoffkait and others. There was much good info on the isolation thread a while back, and I appreciate you contributing to it.
My point in saying you need to drink less coffee or get laid, was that you’ve been popping into posts like this and laying out some knowledge, then getting upset that people aren’t instantly acknowledging your brilliance and jumping up and doing exactly what you say.
It’s not like you came over to my house and set things up. You shared info. Good info. But I still gathered other info, selected materials, made plans, built and adjusted my platform on my own. You’re acting like you did all this for me and I’m ungrateful. I acknowledge your help. And I appreciate it, as I’ve said before. But you need to stop acting like you are the grand master of isolation and we all need to hang on your every word and offer endless flowing praise at every opportunity.
If you keep that up, you’ll be know for being a-- rather than a knowledgeable member whose advice is sought.
My point in saying you need to drink less coffee or get laid, was that you’ve been popping into posts like this and laying out some knowledge, then getting upset that people aren’t instantly acknowledging your brilliance and jumping up and doing exactly what you say.
It’s not like you came over to my house and set things up. You shared info. Good info. But I still gathered other info, selected materials, made plans, built and adjusted my platform on my own. You’re acting like you did all this for me and I’m ungrateful. I acknowledge your help. And I appreciate it, as I’ve said before. But you need to stop acting like you are the grand master of isolation and we all need to hang on your every word and offer endless flowing praise at every opportunity.
If you keep that up, you’ll be know for being a-- rather than a knowledgeable member whose advice is sought.