New Yggdrasil - First (and second) Impressions

Okay, so I’ve finally (on order over 2 months) received my Schiit Yggdrasil. The unit arrived in exactly perfect condition (i.e. well packaged).

Upon first (and second) listening through all sources/inputs, I would need a stethoscope to discern any difference among my current components and connectivity. I also cannot detect any difference using the phase inversion button.

I suppose the aforementioned is a testament to how good my current system (before/without Yggy) already sounds. :)

I can easily A-B test because the Yggy is hooked in via balanced and my other components are also hooked directly to amp via RCA or USB.

Also, obviously I have NOT let the unit "burn in" for days because I just got it, however, it has come to full operational temperature after being powered on continuously over 24 hours.

System configuration: (Yggdrasil > XLR > Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amplifier > Golden Ear Triton Reference speakers )
all cables blue jeans cables "best" offering

Emotiva ERC-3 CD player > AES/EBU > Yggdrasil
Oppo UDP-205 blue ray player > coax > Yggdrasil
Samsung SMT-C5320 cable box > optical > Yggdrasil
Gateway NV79 Windows 10 64-bit computer > USB > Yggdrasil

I’ll be patient, but if there are any suggestions to "try" in order to hear *some* audible difference, that would be great. Appreciate any feedback you have.

Post removed 

1 - Regarding the burn in of said unit, per Schiit Audio "Running music through it is not necessary for burn in; only that it is on and left on."

2 - I have connected SE output (RCA) cables from the Yggy to my amp. The RCA cables are identical to the RCA cables I'm using for other component connectivity to the amp. I did this merely to facilitate a more accurate A/B comparison. XLR also remains connected.

3 - The sound I'm getting from USB (in to Yggy) is phenomenal. Definitely noticeably better than connecting USB directly to my amp, which also has a USB DAC.

4 - Their 15 day return policy window is unwavering. However, the clock starts from when I signed for it from Fedex. I'm fine with that policy as I was aware of this before purchasing it. I am currently NOT of the mindset to return it. I only mention this because I recall some posts herein indicating that burn-in can take much longer than 15 days, so my trial/evaluation wouldn't necessarily include a completed/proper burn-in period.
If you have to go through this much coddling and craziness to just hear a small small difference is it really worth it? There is not that much A B difference between good digital.......The Yggy has a great rep and is certainly a super Dac. I maintain that differences in quality dacs is not that easy to hear.


BTW, in response to your question, "maybe". I too have heard (from the dealer I purchased my amp and speakers from) that there is not much difference to be heard between *good* DACs. I'm certain this is one reason I'm having a hard time discerning any. Thank you for your feedback as it serves as some confirmation to what I'd already believed is the case.

On an unrelated to Yggy but within the realm of music note, you wouldn't happen to be Bill "G", who disseminates such terrific Grateful Dead soundboards such as gd81-10-12.128591, would you. :)
Did you compare it against the Oppo yet?
Yes, of course. In this context the comparison I'm doing is playing some flac 16/44 or higher via the Oppo's USB port. The Oppo is connected to my amp via RCA, and connected to the Yggy via coax. The Yggy is also connected to the amp via the same RCA type cable.

At the moment, I cannot hear any *profound* difference. Whatever difference there may be is subtle at best. Overall, with the Yggy things do seem a fraction less digital and a bit more "open" (space between instruments). However, this could very well be placebo too.  Further, and as you know given the past years worth of posts I've made specific to the Oppo (UDP205), I have always stated it is a stellar performer. So, I would expect that the Oppo *should* be tough to best. Many have suggested and I come to understand it can be extremely difficult to differentiate among good digital/DACs. This is something that frankly I thought it best for me to find out first hand.

I am also open to the unfortunate possibility that my own personal hearing capability may be insufficient to detect any difference. However, I do take some solace in believing that some advantage, even if only theoretical, has been introduced. And I am open minded to theoretical advantage. For instance, I use 6 feet of speaker wire instead of 30 because the 6 feet offers less resistance. Would I hear a difference if I used 30 instead? Of course not. Still better to use 6 though, as I think you would agree.

I remain hopeful some more burn in and time will cause a blossoming of sorts as many others have suggested will be the case.