Speaker cable length with monoblock amps?

If you position a monoblock amp close to your speaker (say within a foot of the speaker.) Would the shortest length cable, say 2' be the way to go?
Someday you will replace your monoblocks with a stereo amp and your cables will have to be replaced. 
I had Kimber make me some 1' silver cables when I had a pair of mono amps. The idea that speaker cables have to be a certain minimum length strikes me as an audiophile myth; I've never read any EE theory supporting the idea. Real short cables can always be used as jumpers on speakers having two sets of binding posts (for bi-wiring).
What price levels of monoblocks and cables are we talking about? At high level you should not worry too much about resale value.
@inna $15k a set speaker cables and $22.5k a pair amps, your point being? Yes I could have them (SR) make me up a set of short cables for $10k but who wants to pay this much for jumpers? 

As another poster suggested one option to a “free” set of cables is to buy a 10’ set, have it cut and reterminated and sell the remaining 6’ as a clean set. AQ is a really good brand to do this with as they will change up any of their cables at cost (although personally I have never liked the AQ speaker cables)
buy 2 short runs of zipcord - test that - blind - vs. something cheap from BlueJeans cable

take the winner and test it vs. various brands from one of the rental places (i.e buy & return)

on the other thread, I agree you want to listen to the Vidars